To do something like that, the perpetrators must have been really desperate. It sucks that this has happened, and that pressures are put on people so that they can only use violence as a way of being heard :/
This really gets to me as someone who works with kids every day, with my puppet shows and all that. None of them deserve that.
Seriously, though, I don't understand why anyone would use children to get their political agenda across -- as if those kids understood anything about what's going on in their region. But yeah, I agree with the fact that the perpetrators must have been especially desperate... otherwise, why not target an office building or cafe in the center of town?
Comments 8
This really gets to me as someone who works with kids every day, with my puppet shows and all that. None of them deserve that.
Seriously, though, I don't understand why anyone would use children to get their political agenda across -- as if those kids understood anything about what's going on in their region. But yeah, I agree with the fact that the perpetrators must have been especially desperate... otherwise, why not target an office building or cafe in the center of town?
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