Is it really the 9th already?

Jan 09, 2007 23:08

Happy week and a half into the new year everyone! Wow, time flies when you don't realize it.

Being as I'm a little late to the party, rehashing 2006 seems kinda, well, old now.  The best parts of it (passing the bar and being pregnant) are running into 2007 anyways.

Speaking of being pregnant, I can't believe I have only 3 more months to go.  I finally "popped" as they say and show a lot.  I can't remember if I was showing this much last pregnancy at this point and I can't remember what my symptoms were last time either.  That's ok, I have enough with this pregnancy's symptoms, I don't need to remember the one that's over, right?

The heartburn I recall.  I guess it means this little one has a full head of hair too.  The back pain, I don't remember.  I think I would remember being unable to walk or move my legs or pick them up off the floor due to what I'm told is sciatica.  All I know is, I walk like an 85 year old woman with arthritis in her hips, and that's when I can walk and put weight on my legs.

I finally submitted my application for admission to the NY bar (stupid bar people - it's not enough to pass the bar, then you have to jump thru hoops to get admitted) but short 2 affidavits.  I'm hoping to get this all cleared up before I give birth, I really do.  Hopefully I get them in within the next few weeks.

Work continues apace.  My boss keeps telling me that "I'm going to be an attorney" and have to act that way and do things right....blah blah blah.  But then he either treats me like a brain dead 4 year old or an uneducated secretary (I don't mean to imply that a sec'y is uneducated or is a bad job, I don't think that in the least- it's that we had a sec'y who didn't have her GED and he treated her like he treats me now)  I just wish he would make up his mind how he is going to treat me - an attorney (or non-admitted attorney to be exact) or a paralegal or a temp intern who needs constant supervision and inquiries whether I have work to do.

I really really really really really don't want to go back there when I"m done with maternity leave.  Aside from the whole money issue, which is huge, (meaning, I need much more $ than he's paying me now or that he will pay me if he even gives me the starting salary for an attorney in his office which is $10K more a year than I currently make) I need to change work environments.  I'm not really happy with where I am right now.

I've been trying to get my resume up to speed so I can try to find a better job.  But I have no clue if it makes sense, or looks ok or anything.  Would anyone have time to glance at it to help me out?  Also, anyone who knows anything about legal field/ law firm hiring practices - would you be willing to chat with me (either AIM, Gmail chat or YIM - I use all 3 so whatever is easiest for you) about some questions I have?  I would appreciate any help.

I am trying to use "Creative Mediasource Organizer" to rip my CDs onto my shiny new mp3 player.  But everytime I rip something, the track information seems to get lost.  Then, if I rename the files on my computer, when they transfer to the player, the track names get lost again. 
Does anyone know how to keep the track info off the CD or at the very least, from the computer to the mp3 player??????

Being as I can't find a comfortable position on the chair I'm sitting in, I think I will be turning off my computer and heading for bed, or the couch.  Depends on whether there is anything on the Tivo I want to watch or if I am just gonna go to bed and watch Leno (the issues of having the Tivo in the living room - oh well).  Good night all!
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