From what little I can tell just Googling, it doesn't sound like the card is broken, but more like the data on the card got corrupt somehow--again, this doesn't mean it's broken, at least not forever. And there's lots of ways data can get corrupt--doesn't mean your Palm is messed up.
You can try reformatting it (if you've accepted that you've lost the data on it), but then you'd have to re-upload it all. Which you would have to do with a new one anyway. Do you know how to re-format it? I can Google that for you, if not... That seems like the least expensive option, again, if you've accepted that you've lost the data. If you're not ready to go there, buying a new card would probably be fine.
Thanks so much for the help! This has really killed my night. Not to mention my day b/c I was bored STIFF at work without my fic. I thought that the data got corrupted and was planning on trying to format the card but my card reader can't read it. It's as if there is nothing there. But the Palm tells me there are 50 MB of data on there. I wonder if I could just reformat the card even though the card reader I have doesn't recognize the data .... Would I just put it in the card reader, right click and hit format - or is there another way to do it? We have another card in the house, but it's a 512 MB (which I probably don't need that much room for fanfic :) ) and I'm worried that the corrupted SD card corrupted my card slot on my Palm so it wouldn't work with the bigger card and we would have just lost another one.
Hmmmm... You know, I've never used a card reader with the card in my Palm--I've just put data on it when I sync it with the Palm software. There's an option in iSilo where you can tell it to put it on the card instead of on the Palm's main data space. So I'm not sure if the card reader could have broke it, because I haven't used one and don't know that much about them.
But just in case it is the reader, and since the Palm can see the card OK, here's how to set up the stories in iSilo so that they go to the card when you sync with HotSync:
Right click on the story, and choose Properties. On the Destination tab, click the HotSync button, select the user name, and change the radio button to External memory card. Once you've done that for all of them, select the ones you want to upload, and choose Document/Convert. Once it's done, sync your Palm. They should all be on the card then. Knock wood, anyway. Why does this stuff always mess up right before a trip/deadline/other horrible time?
I've been putting my fic on my card in iSiloX for a while. I don't usually use a card reader but once the card wasn't working in my Palm I wanted to see what was on it - I honestly don't know if I could put the stuff on the card without using iSiloX since I read the stories in iSilo. Speaking of - have you been successful in making the card the default place to put the fic or do you go to the properties, destination etc. every time you load a story?
Comments 8
You can try reformatting it (if you've accepted that you've lost the data on it), but then you'd have to re-upload it all. Which you would have to do with a new one anyway. Do you know how to re-format it? I can Google that for you, if not... That seems like the least expensive option, again, if you've accepted that you've lost the data. If you're not ready to go there, buying a new card would probably be fine.
I thought that the data got corrupted and was planning on trying to format the card but my card reader can't read it. It's as if there is nothing there. But the Palm tells me there are 50 MB of data on there.
I wonder if I could just reformat the card even though the card reader I have doesn't recognize the data .... Would I just put it in the card reader, right click and hit format - or is there another way to do it?
We have another card in the house, but it's a 512 MB (which I probably don't need that much room for fanfic :) ) and I'm worried that the corrupted SD card corrupted my card slot on my Palm so it wouldn't work with the bigger card and we would have just lost another one.
But just in case it is the reader, and since the Palm can see the card OK, here's how to set up the stories in iSilo so that they go to the card when you sync with HotSync:
Right click on the story, and choose Properties. On the Destination tab, click the HotSync button, select the user name, and change the radio button to External memory card. Once you've done that for all of them, select the ones you want to upload, and choose Document/Convert. Once it's done, sync your Palm. They should all be on the card then. Knock wood, anyway. Why does this stuff always mess up right before a trip/deadline/other horrible time?
Speaking of - have you been successful in making the card the default place to put the fic or do you go to the properties, destination etc. every time you load a story?
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