Title: No Stars
Category: Glee
Genre: /Angst/Romance
Ship: Rachel/Puck
Rating: T
Warning(s): Language
Word Count: 1,297
Summary: When the love of your life shows up at your door in the middle of the night, no matter how tired you are, you open the door. Written for the Puck/Rachel Drabble Meme.
Author's Note: This is my very first Puck/Rachel fic, in fact
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Comments 8
So adorable I could die lol awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“You say there are no stars up there? Well you need to hurry up, it sounds like they need you in New York City more than they do in Lima.”
So sweet!
I'm with the rest that commented that the line, “You say there are no stars up there? Well you need to hurry up, it sounds like they need you in New York City more than they do in Lima.”, was just so sweet. So adorable.
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