
Dec 16, 2011 10:53

Opening this up to anyone who wants one...
  You know, I'm just a sheep, right? I follow right along and steal take do what someone else may have already thought of.

So, in honor of my baaaaaa-iness, I'm going to steal take borrow aggiebell90's idea of holiday drabbles. I've been in the mood to write a bit, but nothing has hit me as "OHMYGOSHYOUNEEDTOWRITETHIS" sort of way.

So, I'm drabbling. And I'm asking for prompts. And I totally nicked the idea from aggiebell90 who has asked for drabble prompts herself.

So, rules. There has to be rules, right?

1. Drabble requests must be Christmas/New Year themed.
2. I will make them 100 word drabbles - no more, no less.
3. I reserve the right to later convert the drabble into a short story, if the spirit moves me.
4. Fandoms: Harry Potter only. I might be persuaded to give Percy Jackson a try. But that might be a stretch. I don't know that I know any other fandoms well enough to drabble in them.
5. Will do AU - especially if it involves Remus/Tonks. As in they're not daid. :)
6. Need to keep 'em clean, peeps. I won't write anything past a PG-13 in rating.

I'll write as many as I get - just because I probably won't get that many!

In other news - most of my posts are flocked.  If you are interested in being friends, let me know.  I'd like to know a bit about you before I friend you (how you found me, if you follow other friends of mine), and then I'll friend you.  I friend most requests.  You can request to be friended here or on my first post (dated 2015).

Heading to the last of the holiday parties today.  Merry Merry.  Happy Happy.

friend requests, drabbles

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