Opening this up to anyone who wants one...
You know, I'm just a sheep, right? I follow right along and steal take do what someone else may have already thought of.
So, in honor of my baaaaaa-iness, I'm going to steal take borrow
aggiebell90's idea of holiday drabbles. I've been in the mood to write a bit, but nothing has hit me as "OHMYGOSHYOUNEEDTOWRITETHIS" sort of way.
So, I'm drabbling. And I'm asking for prompts. And I totally nicked the idea from
aggiebell90 who has asked for drabble prompts herself.
So, rules. There has to be rules, right?
1. Drabble requests must be Christmas/New Year themed.
2. I will make them 100 word drabbles - no more, no less.
3. I reserve the right to later convert the drabble into a short story, if the spirit moves me.
4. Fandoms: Harry Potter only. I might be persuaded to give Percy Jackson a try. But that might be a stretch. I don't know that I know any other fandoms well enough to drabble in them.
5. Will do AU - especially if it involves Remus/Tonks. As in they're not daid. :)
6. Need to keep 'em clean, peeps. I won't write anything past a PG-13 in rating.
I'll write as many as I get - just because I probably won't get that many!
In other news - most of my posts are flocked. If you are interested in being friends, let me know. I'd like to know a bit about you before I friend you (how you found me, if you follow other friends of mine), and then I'll friend you. I friend most requests. You can request to be friended here or on my first post (dated 2015).
Heading to the last of the holiday parties today. Merry Merry. Happy Happy.