Photos from Journey :D
Thank you so so so much Gabriel Patrick (:
He uploaded 2000 photos altogether :O
Awwwww ~ :DDD
This aint all though , its mostly my dance parts and some group pictures.
Doing the limbo :D
First entry dance.
Im the one with the ponytail , the swinging part (:
Circle (:
One,two,three steps (:
Stepping over the boys.
Ending jump.
Love Guru dance , Me in purple , Angie in orange, Madeleine in red.
She's not in this photo.
Skipping and having fun.
Madeleine's solo (:
My solo (:
I look ....... !!
Love Guru and his servant girls.
Gosh , i felt like killing Kevin with the peacock feather :O
Ending for Love Guru Scene.
Three Assasins and Chief Kim.
Chief Kim scene.
Me and Angie solo (:
Futurehusband ( yes, he's wearing a dress)
Whispering something.
End Of Chief Kim scene.
Ending dance , freestyle.
My dance partner , me and Nicholas (:
Uncle Zhiming is evaaaal , took only me and him for the freestyle siolzxz.
Believe me , it wasnt only us.
Awwww :DDD ~
Me and Nicholas (:
Nicholas in front , me and idk who behind.
Start of Ending dance.
After Freestyle part.
Gail and Patrick , marriage (:
Grandmama and two children , ending scene.
Marcus , Joshua , FutureHusband and Melissa.
Gloria , Milissa and Kevin (:
Solomon , Roshan and Gail (:
Shawn, Gabriel Patrick , Gwyn (:
Three Brothers.
Dancers , Left to Right.
Anthony , Nicholas, Me , Madeleine, Angie..
Rachel and Grandmama and the two kids (Chiara and Diedre)
Montfort ELDDS Boys (:
Glenn, Gabriel and Manuel (:
Lights and Sounds.
Kenneth , Phyllis and Audrey (:
Backstage Cue People.
Getting ready to bow.
I think I was playing catching with FutureHusband , behind me :O
Omgosh , uncle zhiming !
Group photos with Father Henry Siew after the performance.
And yes , alotalot of screaming :O
And that's the end of what Im uploading.
Im not going to be a kind soul and upload all 2000 photos xD