today was rainy and gloomy and humid and laaaaaaaame. weather-wise anyway. other-wise, it was good! but i feel like doing one of these.
001: Real Name - Aja Martisa Snyder
002. Nickname - Stupid, aja lynn
003. Single or taken - le single
004. Zodiac Sign - taurus with gemini tendencies
005. Male or Female - female
007. Favorite Color - graphite grey
008. How many buddies on your aim list- 62
009. Screen name - ohhmydarlin
010. Hair Color - black/brown/weird blonde undertones. weird.
011. long or short - eew middle-length
014. Eye Color - green/blue/grey
015. Are you health freak- no
016. Height - 5'5
017. Do you have a crush on someone - yea
018. Do you like yourself - sure
020. Think you're awesome - sometimes
021. Piercings - ears x2
022. Tattoos - not yet
023. Righty or Lefty - right
___Your 'Firsts'___
024. Surgery - none yet
025. First piercing - Ears
026. First best friend - paul mcd
027. First Award - uhh honor roll
028. First Sport You Joined - track
029. First pet - cats beener and knuk-knuk
030. First vacation - florida im sure
031. First Concert - van halen!
032. First love - sophomore year
049. Eating- non
050. I'm drinking- non
052. I'm about to- sleep or watch a movie
055. Waiting For- some motivation
057. Wearing- baseball sweatpants and a long-sleeved tee
___Your Future__
058. Want Kids? - yes!
059. Want to Get Married? yes
060. Careers in Mind? animation/illustration
__Which is better with the opposite sex?__
068. Lips or Eyes?- lips; eyes are always pretty
069. Hugs or Kisses: hugs when appropriate
070. Shorter or Taller: taller.
072. Romantic, Spontaneous - both
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms - mmmm abs
074. Sensitive or Loud - both
075. Hook-up or Relationship - relationship
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?- trouble-maker!
___Have you ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger - no
079. Drank bubbles - wtf
080. Lost glasses/contacts - YES i lost my john lennon fucking sunglasses god damn it!!!!!!
081. Ran Away From home - no
082. Broken any bones- collarbone
084. Broken Someone's Heart - who knows
085. Been Arrested - not yet
086. Turned Someone Down - yea. some jerk freshman wanted my froot loops. THESE LOOPZZ ARE MINE, BATCHHHHH
087. Cried When Someone Died - yes
088. Cried at school - yes
___Do You Believe In___
089. Yourself - what the hells does this question mean? it's everywhere and i dont fucking get it.
090. Miracles - euuuh yes
091. Love at first sight - not really
092. Magic - only in young girls' hearts
095. Heaven - Yes
096. Santa Clause - Claus, dumbass.
098. Kissing on the First Date - mmmmmmm no.
099. Angels- euuuuh yes
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There one or more people You Want To be with right now? - duh. you're RE-TAR-TID.