Title: Yabeki
Author: Ohimechan & Aiko
Pairing: Jin/Kazuya, Tomohisa/Kazuya, Ryo/Uchi, Shige/Koyama
Characters: X Group: Nishikido Ryo, Yamashita Tomohisa, Koyama Keiichiro, Kato Shigeaki. Y Group: Akanishi Jin, Kamenashi Kazuya, Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuichi. Still in no group: Kusano Hironori.
General Disclaimer and stuff.Genre:
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Comments 8
They are meant for each other and being together they would get their happy ending!!!
Just a little note about these passage:
See, Tomohisa wasn't completely inexperienced - he didn't have nearly as much under his belt as Shige or Ryo, but he didn't compare in sheer virginal innocence to Kei either. He'd had girlfriends before, and a grand total of one boyfriend (he'd even forgotten the guy's name).
She'd walked in on things like this before (okay, once) and had just closed the door and left.
O_O I'm a litte confused because in chapter 6 you wrote Now that he thought about it, he'd practically had his first kiss stolen from him!, referring to the kiss they shared the day at karaoke. Didn't you?
I am sorry for being such a prick :p
Thank you for providing my everyday dosis of PiKame! ;D
(^3^) *chu*
I like a lot how Tomohisa and Kazuya ended up to feel for each other in this fic. They are so in love! *melts dreamy*
they two are totally in love and life is totally terrible. i'm afraid smth bad might happen :(((
they really should run away ^^ to Australia like Jin's mom did xD
thank you for this great chap.
can't wait the next one. please update soon, ne...
I love the drama... omg... i'm so addicted to this fic right now along with WOWF...
arrghhh... i know we'll have some more drama in the future coz no one knows about this relationship yet...
but i'm gonna be happy for the fluff right now... ♥♥♥
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