Title: Fragments of a Shattered Life
Part: 4/28-ish
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Explicit violence, non-con
Genre: Angst
Characters: Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler
Summary: The Doctor and Rose run into Jack after POTW but all is not as it seems. Note that this is a very dark fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A/N: Set 104 years prior to Chapter 1. Note that the WARNINGS kick in here.
Chapter 4: The Consortium
Year 200,101
There was no slavery on Nirvana. The planet prided itself on its equality and welcomed visitors of any race, species or other designation. However, unbeknown to the general population, Nirvana practised something that was effectively slavery by a different name. Penal servitude. When criminals on Nirvana were sentenced to life imprisonment they were given over to the Consortium who ran various businesses such as the mines and pleasure houses. These prisoners had no rights and no expectation of surviving the experience to be released. For them life in the Consortium workforce was brutal and often short.
Over time the Consortium grew so large that there were insufficient numbers of prisoners on Nirvana alone to fulfill the requirements for workers. The Consortium solved this problem by buying in life sentence prisoners from other worlds. Most planets couldn't believe their luck when offered money to hand over the lifers instead of having to house and feed them for decades. Needless to say most planetary governments jumped at this with no questions asked. The Consortium was able to pick and choose those they thought would be useful additions to their workforce.
In the aftermath of the devastation of Earth in 200,100 the Nirvana convict ship was welcomed with joy by the Earth government. They were desperate for supplies and help with rebuilding the planetary infrastructure. They sold all the convicted life sentence criminals to the Consortium for the normal price but held one up as an unusually valuable prisoner and asked an exorbitant amount of money for him.
This prisoner was Jack Harkness, who had been convicted of killing 256 people on Satellite 5 and organising terrorist attacks on Earth itself. During the investigation and trial the “police” service had discovered that Jack could not die and thought that this would be a very useful attribute to the Consortium.
Though highly sceptical the Consortium could indeed see the immense value of a man who would not stay dead. However they required proof. They sent five representatives to the Earth prison service for a demonstration.
As Jack was brought before them, his hands manacled together in front of him, the Consortium representatives ordered him stripped and examined him in minute detail, looking for scars or other signs of injury. Finding none and being extremely pleased with his good looks they proceeded to watch while his guards manacled his hands to the wall,stretched far apart, and began to flog him with a thick leather whip. This left deep, bloody, wounds across his back and Jack choked back his screams at each stroke.
After ten strokes Inchar, the leader of the Consortium
representatives, ordered the guards to stop. He approached Jack and looked closely at his wounds, digging his fingers into them to make sure there was no trickery involved. As Jack gasped weakly at this treatment Inchar returned to the gallery and gave the order to continue.
Ten more strokes and the blood was running in rivers down Jack's back to the floor. But they did not stop. Jack's screams had degenerated into agonised whimpers. After twenty more strokes Jack mercifully lost consciousness. The guards paused to look enquiringly at Inchar but were instructed to continue until the subject died.
This took a long time and by the end Jack's back was a mangled mess and the floor was awash with blood. Fortunately he had never regained consciousness.
When it was over everyone waited to see what would happen. For twenty minutes nothing did and the Consortium members were becoming irritated, suspecting a trick. But then the wounds started to heal and Jack gasped back into life. He remained slumped against the manacles unable to stand for several minutes as Inchar and his associates crowded round checking his back.
They were ecstatic. “It's fantastic, he doesn't even scar!. Can you imagine the type of clients we could use him for? And he suffers, it'd be no good if he didn't suffer. Most clients want to see the effects of their actions.”
It didn't take long after that for an agreement to be reached. A fee five hundred times that usually paid for a single prisoner was agreed and Jack was handed over to the Consortium for transport to Nirvana.
When Jack was taken onto the Consortium ship, still weak from the earlier death, they put him through standard processing. They fixed his wrists in a machine to attach the bracelets that were the mark of penal servitude on Nirvana. What no one outside the Consortium knew however, was that these bracelets were also powerful neural whips. Any guard could activate them and they would incapacitate a prisoner in seconds. They were also location sensitive so that no prisoner could leave their assigned area without activating them. This made escape effectively impossible.
Chapter 5 here: