Title: Fragments of a Shattered Life
Part: 14/28-ish
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Explicit violence, non-con
Genre: Angst
Characters: Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler
Summary: The Doctor and Rose run into Jack after POTW but all is not as it seems. Note that this is a very dark fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Chapter 14: Escape
The next day the guards came for Jack again. He appeared to be resigned to his fate and obeyed them meekly. Martha on the other hand, tried to pull him back yelling, “you're not taking him again, leave him alone.”
Jack moved her aside gently. “I killed four of them Martha, one session was never going to be enough.”
This time Martha was not taken to watch.
When they brought him back and threw him in the cell they activated a force field between them so that Martha couldn't get close to Jack. She could only watch as he slowly died from his injuries, unable to offer physical comfort or a merciful ending.
This pattern repeated over the next four days. Jack was clearly sinking into a morass of despair and becoming more and more obviously subservient to the guards in his fragile state. He had lost his ability to throw off his mental state and become calm when the guards came for him, never stopped trembling, and he flinched at any noise or when a guard came near him. Martha was becoming frantic, desperate for the Doctor to hurry up and get them out of the research station. Despite what Jack had told her she still believed that the Doctor would rescue both of them.
On their sixth night on level 2, they lay close to each other sleeping. Jack was exhausted after his latest session. This time at least the guards had left him some clothes, and as usual they allowed Martha close to him after he resurrected. The cell door clicked open quietly and the Doctor entered. He looked in disapproval at her cell mate (he could feel the wrongness from the moment he left the TARDIS) and then tiptoed quietly towards her, gently shaking her shoulder to wake her up. “Martha it's me. Come on we have to leave.” The Doctor shushed her as she woke and started to talk. “Be quiet we don't want to alert the guards.”
The Doctor pulled her out into the corridor without waking Jack. Two guards lay unconscious outside the cell. “Come on Martha the TARDIS is this way.”
Martha baulked and refused to move. However, she did keep her voice low. “We have to bring Jack too. I'll just wake him up.”
“No!” the Doctor exclaimed in a whisper.
“What do you mean no! He's a prisoner like me and we have to take him with us. You don't know what he's done for me.”
“I will not have that man in my TARDIS. You don't know ...”.
He was interrupted by Martha who stated angrily “and I will not leave without him!”
Unbeknown to them Jack had woken when the Doctor first came into the cell. He was well aware of the Doctor's reaction to him and not surprised by it, though it cut him deeply. He began to panic as he realised that the promised rescue had arrived but that he would not be included. Martha's loyalty to him was a balm to his psyche but he couldn't endanger her by causing a scene with the Doctor that could attract the guards attention. And although he wouldn't admit it to himself he couldn't bear the thought of being abandoned for a third time by the Doctor.
So Jack fled from the Doctor and Martha before the Doctor could drive another stake through his heart. He left the cell quietly while they were arguing and headed for the research laboratory where he and Martha had been used to create a rift in space/time. He had to hurry as he knew that as soon as the alarm was sounded his bracelets would activate and he would be helpless.
With trembling hands he typed in the code that opened the door. The guards had never been careful about hiding it from him. Once inside he powered up the machinery and prepared it to activate the rift. Since Martha had been included in the experiments the rift had grown very quickly. It was just about big enough now.
Martha and the Doctor had caught sight of Jack as he fled down the corridor. Martha had taken off after him and the Doctor had chased her. They reached the rift room as Jack pushed the final button. The space/time rift swirled into existence.
“Jack, what are you doing?” called Martha.
“Escaping,” he hissed. He moved to stand in front of the rift.
“You can come with us,” she cried.
“I doubt that,” he said sadly and with one look back at her he jumped.
Chapter 15 is here