Well, I really like the way the colorings of my most recent icon batch came out, so I'm gonna make tutorials for 2 or 3 of the colorings. This is my favorite of them all.
Uses Selective Coloring (sorry)
1.) Crop your image.
2.) Selective Coloring
REDS: -100 // +100 // +100 // 0
YELLOWS: -100 // -100 // -100 // 0
NEUTRALS: +19 // -16 // -16 // 0
3.) Channel Mixer
R: 162
G: -30
B: -26
4.) Hue/Saturation
MASTER: 0 // +21 // 0
5.) Curves
I: 101
O: 125
I: 137
O: 152
I: 113
O: 129
6.) New Fill Layer
Exclusion, 100%
And that's all!
I love to see your results, and I loovvee comments!
Other examples: