I really wish sometimes I don't live in Singapore and go back to Philippines.
Am I really that hard to understand? You guys have to judge me on one single thing that I might have done or have been doing for the past week? I only want some time for myself. It's been a long time since I felt welcome within our circle and I've really had enough. Besides, the end of year exams are coming and I really need to focus. I didn't lie when I said that you guys were smarter than me. You guys really are. And it's that that I don't feel comfortable studying with all of you. I feel stupid and hopeless, you know.
I feel sad again. I don't want to anymore but I am. It's always when exams are near, isn't it. I really wish I can talk to someone right now but I have a feeling everyone is against me. Things like these are the ones that make me want to take university in Philippines right after my Os.
Ah~ They will never understand how I feel.