A- Age of 1st kiss: 3rd grade with Paul Keesling.. I don't know how old I was.
B- Band you are listening to right now: Madness
C- Crush: Oh man.. I don't know... this is complicated right now..
D- Dad's name: Peter.
E- Easiest persons to talk to: Rachel... or Sara Hurst.... or Kristen... or Sara M.. or Susan... Or Stacy M... I dont know I can open up with all those goons..
F- Favorite ice cream(s): Smurf Ice cream.
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears? gummi bears.
H- Hometown: Lutz
I- Instruments: uh... Shaky eggs.
J- Junior high: Liberty middle.
L- Longest car ride ever: Conneticut, that was outrageous..
M- Mom's name: Patricia.
N- Nicknames: Rocket, staciemeister, stacy face, stupid... etc
O- One wish: that there would be no more sadness in the world.. yea, right.
P- Phobia[s]: LONG TOES!!!kdjvklsdglskglksn
Q- Quote: "she was born to be a nudist" -- My friend anthony.
R- Reason to smile: My goofy friends..
S- Song you sang last: Girls just wanna have fun -- cyndi lauper.
T- Time you woke up today: FREAKIN 6:45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
U- Unknown fact about me: I hate the smell of burnt toast.
V- Vegetable(s) you hate: Squash
W- Worst habbit(s): biting my lip when im concentratin on something...
X- X-rays you've had: to many.... i ve broken so much crap in my body..
Y- Your favorite person as of right now?: Stacy Mauch... she makes me laugh so hard and I look up to her so much because she is so down to earth and she just doesnt give a rats ass about what anyone says about her... I love her so much.
Z- Zodiac sign: TAURUS