Never in my life have I seen a boy who loves to shop as much as zach.
I'm not kidding. I hate malls, but we were at citrus for a good 6 hours.. good lord.. over 250$ worth of clothes... I saw jenna and Scott, they are so cute together.
so when we were leaving Ross, some dumb ass in a chevy truck backed up RIGHT INTO ME. I saw him coming, but i could pull forward because there was a car infront of me, so I litereally LEANED on my horn, but he was some dumb deaf black guy and crushed my back bumper. I almost broke out into tears. I was so tired, and just ready to go home, but zach was like "don't worry about it I can definitly fix it" so I'm going over there tomorrow and he's gonna fix my car.
omg. Zachs mom is sooo funny. She met us at the mall, because he didn't have enough money for all the clothes and when he was trying on stuff at Pac sun, she and I stood there and made fun of him.. haha. I LOVELOVELOVE his dogs... most gorgeous animals I have ever seen.
but yea. Jeremy and I aren't gonna happen. I dont want us too... He's moving to New york on saturday and will be there for a lONG time.. and I hate long distance things...
thats about it I guess. We have this scheduale thing to check on my grandfather because as you all know he has alzeimers and we have to make sure hes eating and taking his medication and what not.. its really depressing.
OH! I leave for Washington DC. in 10 days, I am so excited. Family reunions should be interesting with my family.. haha.
hm.. what else..
Yea I think thats about it..