Name / Nickname: Glennys. like tennis, but with a GL. its unfortunate, i know. but what can i do? most of my friends call me glenn &i do get some pretty cool nicknames, like g-spot &g-unit &such.
Single or Taken? takennnn
Age? sixteen
ON THE LEFT because im on the right
BRIEF summary of you: im probably the most friendly person you'll ever meet. i am super outgoing, &really fun. i love to sing, dance &laugh. im really insecure, but the farthest thing from shy. if you know what i mean? i over analyze everything, &like things that make me think about the types of questions that will never ever be answered.
MOD/COMOD & WHY: i dont know either of you, but i think youre both adorable. WOW.
5 MOVIES: moulin rouge. amelie. the notebook. garden state. love actually.
BOOKS: the lovely bones, catcher in the rye, harry potter series, sisterhood of the travelling pants...
3 TV SHOWS: oprah, gilmore girls, what not to wear
1. chocolate &candy, which i eat A LOT of. im a vegetarian but i dont really like vegetables all that much, so i pretty much live off junk. umm the other day my friends &i bought $25 worth of candy at sugar mountain.
2. christmas. yeah, theyre jerking off santa.
3. thunderstorms
4. paris. i went for the first time this summer. i think i could spend my whole life there.
5. taking picturrres
Who's the prettiest member?
Who's the ugliest member?
What famous person would you put out for on the first night?
conor oberst, OH GAWD.
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