ohnokripkedidnt sing-along blog fest!

Jul 17, 2008 11:37

In light of the crazy and wonderful shenanigans going on at Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, we here at ohnokripkedidnt bow down to the awesome and offer our own meager... offering. (Good with the words, yes.): the Dr. Singer Sing-Along Blog Fest at ONKD!

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sing-along!, !mod

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Comments 80

YED doubble drabble spankulert July 17 2008, 15:56:37 UTC
Watching Samuel grow up had been a pleasure. John sure did know how to make things as dysfunctional as possible. The boy was constantly moved around, assuring he wouldn't grow a permanent attachment to anything. The way he differs from the rest is apparent too; John and Dean, they love hunting, want to hunt, while Sam's got his nose buried in a book or reluctantly being dragged along, resentment building up by the seconds. They're soldiers, but Sam? Sam's a leader ( ... )


Re: YED doubble drabble woman_of_ July 17 2008, 16:13:33 UTC
OH Loved it, you did so well here.


Re: YED doubble drabble spankulert July 17 2008, 16:14:46 UTC
hehe thanks! I can see now there's some errors with what tense I'm using and stuff, but it was just something fun I tossed together ;)


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ACT I deirdre_c July 17 2008, 16:41:55 UTC
Who was I really hurting?
Just cleaning up the trash.
Bloody eyes for little blondes,
Who had the nerve to crash.
Yet here come those damn Winchesters,
Thinking they’re so clean.
I almost got to Sammy,
If it weren’t for that jerk, Dean.

It was the same with me, you know,
Just trying to help out.
Sinners right and left of me,
Who need a man devout.
To gut them with a silver hook,
Is that really so mean?
And I almost got to Sammy,
If it weren’t for that spaz, Dean.

You people make me sick,
You pretend that you are sane.
But I’m the only one who truly
Understands the human brain.
So what if I had to maim and torture
With my 2000 watt machine?
I actually got to Sammy,
But I still got smoked by Dean.

Winchesters! We curse your name again!
Winchesters! You beat us in the end!
Winchesters! You’ve foiled us it’s true.
But you’ll get yours,
Just wait ‘til Season Two.


Re: ACT I spankulert July 17 2008, 16:45:09 UTC
That is awesome! *applauds*

There better be an ACT II!


Re: ACT I deirdre_c July 18 2008, 02:27:16 UTC
Heh. Act II? I hope so! *appeals to muse*


Re: ACT I regala_electra July 17 2008, 16:57:26 UTC
*spazzes out to death*



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kyokomurasaki July 17 2008, 22:02:17 UTC
Marvelous! *applauds*


randomstasis July 18 2008, 04:16:47 UTC
That's funny- now I really want to see him do it as a stand up act!


jenniebellie July 18 2008, 08:21:01 UTC
Ah haaaaaaa excellent! Sing on Gordo, sing on.


TechnoTulpa Blues randomstasis July 18 2008, 00:01:05 UTC
They blog all day, what do I git?
Another night older and deeper in shit.
Damn vandals painted symbols and I don't know why
I'm a rocker I'm a farmer I'm a witch oh my.

I hung and I stabbed 'em, I cut 'em in bits
Oh god I'm a rapist on the 99th hit.
I'm a killer and a monster, I'm a victim they cry
next geek through the door is sure gonna die.

Gotta grunt with a shotgun and a 7-foot twit,
wanna keep me from killing some hellhound halfwits.
St. Google you can't find me and I can't die,
cuz I owe my lore to an internet lie.


Re: TechnoTulpa Blues hkath July 18 2008, 01:46:06 UTC
This kicks so much ass. LOL!


Re: TechnoTulpa Blues randomstasis July 18 2008, 04:17:50 UTC
Glad it amused you!
(it amused me too!)


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Lilith vents her frustrations regarding the Winchesters in the form of Operations Management workswithwords July 18 2008, 02:05:50 UTC

Crossroads Demon
Job Type: Full time
Location: Level 5
Job Category: Human Recruiter
Number of Positions: 1
Salary: Priceless
Company URL: www.hell.com
Posted: July 17, 2008

HELL, according to many religious beliefs, is a location in the afterlife, which may or may not be described as a place of suffering.

Our Level 5 Human Recruitment Department has an opening for an organized and professional Crossroads Demon (CD) that is adaptable to multiple requirements of the role, be able to work independently and within a team environment.


The CD is assigned to specific humans and is responsible for the successful ownership on behalf of HELL, of said human's soul and general administrative requirements specific to the human's needs/specialty in which their soul was exchange for.

Crossroad Demon Requirements:Roles and Responsibilities include (but not limited to ( ... )


Re: Lilith vents her frustrations regarding the Winchesters in the form of Operations Management dotfic July 18 2008, 02:48:56 UTC
Ha, priceless! :D


Re: Lilith vents her frustrations regarding the Winchesters in the form of Operations Management deirdre_c July 18 2008, 03:26:13 UTC
Hee. FUN!

Hey, my birthday is on the 25th. Does that give me a leg up on the job? 'Cause I'd really like Sam's and/or Dean's soul as a birthday present.

*submits CV in triplicate*

*exorcises all competition*


Re: Lilith vents her frustrations regarding the Winchesters in the form of Operations Management randomstasis July 18 2008, 04:20:12 UTC
so, uhhh...how do I apply for a senior level position?


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