Title: Wisdom Tooth Author: ohnomomo Pairing: Eunhae Genre: fluff, crack, romance Rating: G Summary: Donghae got a little problem with his wisdom tooth.
The plot is cute and sweet... I just have to tell you getting your wisdom teeth taken out takes more than 15 minutes. More like an hour or two. The anethsia knocks you out for a long time... plus you wake up CRYING (usually). Also, it costs more then 7000 won (7000 won = about 7 dollars USD. lol)
Donghae just got one tooth taken out (just like me, hence the idea... hehe) and it did take less than 15 minutes or so... and it's weird, it didn't hurt at all, even if the effect of the anesthesia passed. Then I guess I went to a crappy dentist D: cuz they charged me 7000 won xD thanks for reading anyways :D
I don't know about crappy dentist, it just seems so unlikely. For one tooth maybe, but wisdoms usually have to be surgically removed... At least here in the states. Getting all four of mine removed had me passed out for nearly two hours lol.
Comments 23
Also, it costs more then 7000 won (7000 won = about 7 dollars USD. lol)
thanks for reading anyways :D
I just had 1 removed... that's all xD
a, lucky Hae to have Hyukkie by his side to get through all the pain.
lovely, love this
thanx for sharing
thanks for reading! <3
and so sweet!!
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