Title: Manito Pairing(s): Kyumin, slight!Eunhae, slight!Yewook Genre: romance, fluff Rating: PG Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin play the game ‘Manito’ Warning: unbeta’d Disclaimer: I do not own any of the members
it's a good story!...and u are not a bad writer... i love this! it was so sweet!! so hope that there is this kind of tradition at my college... i could use it to confess hehehe... and yet, it just a dream...
so, is this mean, yunho also in associate with kyu? how did kyu know about min baking cookies anyway?
awww thanks so much for reading this. It's been a while since I have written something like this hehe
Yunho and Kyu are Changmin's friends. Changmin saw Min come out of the sunbae's room. When Yunho told Changmin that his manito left something, he suspected Min. Then he saw Min again leave Americano on Yunho's desk cuz he was hiding behind Yunho's cubicle. Then he told only Kyu cuz he didn't want to ruin Yunho's fun haha. yesh weird...
Ooh... It's like a game of exchanged gifts that we play here in our country on Christmas, but it's called "monito, monita". I got curious about the game when I read the title. Hehe. Sneaky Kyu! Though I think it's pretty obvious that they like each other, with all the flirting before the actual confession. LOL. And of course, Kyu would insist that Min should take him to the movies, the tickets came from him. Haha. Was looking for one shot fics to read at KyuMin comm and found this. Thanks for sharing. :)
Comments 11
i love this! it was so sweet!!
so hope that there is this kind of tradition at my college...
i could use it to confess hehehe...
and yet, it just a dream...
so, is this mean, yunho also in associate with kyu? how did kyu know about min baking cookies anyway?
Yunho and Kyu are Changmin's friends. Changmin saw Min come out of the sunbae's room. When Yunho told Changmin that his manito left something, he suspected Min. Then he saw Min again leave Americano on Yunho's desk cuz he was hiding behind Yunho's cubicle. Then he told only Kyu cuz he didn't want to ruin Yunho's fun haha. yesh weird...
this is so cute. i wish i had a manito like that too. *sniff*
Don't worry, you will play manito someday!
Thanks for reading~~ <3
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Sneaky Kyu! Though I think it's pretty obvious that they like each other, with all the flirting before the actual confession. LOL. And of course, Kyu would insist that Min should take him to the movies, the tickets came from him. Haha. Was looking for one shot fics to read at KyuMin comm and found this. Thanks for sharing. :)
they were toooooooo oblivious hahahaha
thanks for reading! <3
btw, I love your fics. I'm saying this in case I didn't say it before in any of my comments on your fics hahaha
i've once play this game
and that's so much fun
and reading KyuMin playing manito is just cute :333
thanks for reading! <3
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