Kim Cattrall Confirms She'll "Never" Do Another 'Sex and the City' Movie

Jul 16, 2019 08:30

When asked if she'll ever star in another #SexAndTheCity film, @KimCattrall replied, "Never. It's a no from me”:
- TooFab (@TooFab) July 15, 2019

Kim Cattrall did an interview with the Daily Mail and she was asked about the failed Sex and the City 3 movie. If you recall, Sarah Jessica Parker and cast wanted to do the film, Kim said no, people proceeded to bully her (around the same time, Kim's brother went missing and was later found to have died, Kim lashed out at Sarah when she publicly expressed condolences).

Regarding Sex and the City, she said:

"Never. It's a no from me. You learn lessons in life and my lesson is to do work with good people and try and make it fun,"


sarah jessica parker / sex and the city, #sexandthecity, celebrity feud, film - comedy
