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- George Taki was on"Today" to talk about his new graphic novel " They called us the enemy" detailing his time in a Japanease Internment camp beginning when he was 5.
- Anchor Dyan Dreyer said she was not aware of the interment camps until recently and Takei says many don't and that is one reason he put the story in comic form as to reach younger audiences.
- Takei says his memories are fuzzy, but he has one very clear memory. His parents woke him and his 4 year old brother up very early to get dressed and to wait in the living room. Takei had just had his birthday in May and it was June of 1942 when he saw 2 soldiers with rifles bang on the door. Takei, his brother, his parents and infant sister were taken to the camps.
- As a teen Takei was curous about that time and asked his father about it. His father said ours is a participatory democracy and if people don't participate than more injustices can happen. Takei's father than took him to Adlai Stevenson's presidental campaign headquaters.( Stevenson received the Democratic nomination in 1952 and 1956, but lost to Dwight Eisenhower both times).
- Takei says the voter turnout is very bad and people who can vote should, and volunteer if you can if you want change.
- George Takei's "They called us enemy" is out now.
Ontd: Was there a very important chapter in history you learned at a later stage in life.