Insensitive or provocative? Madonna puts watermelon slice as a skirt on black daughters pictures

Jul 17, 2019 14:21

Is Madonna ignorant about the racist watermelon trope or is she trying to be provocative with her Black children?

(photo: Getty)
- MadameNoire (@MadameNoire) July 17, 2019

-Madonna came under scrunty for posting a picture of her daughters with watermelon slices as a skirt on snapchat.

-Many pointed to the watermelon dress challenges where people make watermelon into the shapes of clothing on people. Madonna's picture was less sophisticated as it seemed someone took a bite out of a slice and placed it on a picture as you can still see the outfit one of the daughters is wearing.

- The National Museum of African American History and Culture explained in tweets about the orgin of the watermelon trope.

- After emancipation African Americans began growing watermelons because they grew quickly and it afforded them a chance to have a buisness. It was a symbol of freedom.
People who were against this began to demonize black people for eating watermelon and associating it with poverty." A feast for the unclean, lazy and childlike".

-The trope lived on and in past surveys many black people said they refrained from eating watermelon in mixed company as to not reinforce the stereotype.

Ontd:Have you ever not done something because it may fall into a negative sterotype?


