BB21 Has a Race Problem & CBS Refuses to Address It

Jul 18, 2019 22:45

A picture paints a thousand words. Congratulations, @CBS. You must be so proud. #BB21
- VintageWingnut 🧐🌺🙃 (aka Monica) (@vintagewingnut) July 19, 2019

WARNING: Spoilers ahead. For those of you lucky souls who haven't had the misfortune of watching this season of Big Brother 21, here is a run-down on just some of the problematic elements both casual viewers and feed-watchers are seeing that CBS has refused to either air or directly address on the main show:

  • As part of the first major twist of the season, the first four evicted houseguests did not get immediately sent home, but were instead sequestered for weeks in a Have-Not type room called Camp Comeback (and forced to wear camping uniforms). This meant that they could interact with the house on a social level, but could not play in any competitions or participate in any house ceremonies until the Battleback when only one of them returned to the game.
  • Troublingly, the first three evicted houseguests were three of the only people of color in the house. Twitter (and former Big Brother 21 houseguest David) were quick to point out that Camp Comeback was looking "very colorful" and that players of color were being targeted by the season's dominant alliance, Gr8ful.
  • Members of Gr8ful were caught on the live feeds saying and doing countless racist things that CBS has not aired on the main show, including but not limited to: Nick threatening to spit on Kemi (the only black woman in the house), Jack and Jackson questioning whether or not David (the only black man in the house) had "ever been to jail" before deciding "his teeth were too nice," Kat, Jack and Christie making derogatory comments about Kemi's hair, Jack and Jackson allegedly saying the n-word on the feeds after saying multiple times they thought David was "dangerous" and "scary," etc. The list is honestly endless.
  • CBS has also been doubly criticized for trying to edit Kemi as the stereotypically sassy season villain while painting the white houseguests in a flattering light.

    Big Brother has a long and sordid history with racist houseguests, but this season is possibly the most egregious since the infamous Big Brother 15.

    David: "Camp Comeback is lookin real....colorful." *feeds are switched to different camera*
    - bbclipshow (@bbclipshow) July 13, 2019

    Source, 2, 3, 4
  • big brother (reality show), race / racism
