Shawn Mendes admits he deleted social media last week and just sends pictures to manager to upload.
“It gets to me just as much as it gets to anyone else.” Shawn talking about having to delete his social media recently ☹️ Shawn Mendes Updates (@DailyMendesLife)
July 31, 2019 Have y'all ever taken breaks from social media? I deleted FB after the last election and got rid of insta a few months ago and life has never been better
Looking up his name on Twitter I'm not surprised he deleted it from his phone. Regardless of what you think about "Shawmila" some of the posts on there about them are disgusting - they are being tagged in bodyshaming and pornographic images. Camila also went on an unfollow/blocking spree because of the bodyshaming Shawn fan accounts are posting. It's actually vile regardless of whether you like her/them or not.