Billionaire Summer Camp: The Rich And Famous Flock To Sicily For The Top Secret Google Retreat. Chris Martin performs at the ruins for VIPS including
@Harry_Styles and
@katyperry, via
@Forbes Jim Dobson (@TheLuxeWorld)
July 30, 2019 -Google hosted a "private" summit to discuss climate and environmental change in Palermo, Italy last weekend.
-Naturally, the tech giant hosted some of the wealthiest and most influential people on the planet to attend, including Prince Harry, Former US Pres. Barack Obama, Katy Perry, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Harry Styles.
-Also naturally, nearly all of these group took private jets and mega-yachts to the event.
-The Post calculated, based on the number of private jets flown (114 in total), that 784,000 worth of kilograms of CO2 had been released into the air during the weekend.
-Several millionaires and billionaires arrived on yachts with other guests, including Diane von Furstenberg and Barry Diller, who arrived on their enormous $200 million yacht Eos, which has both sails and two 2,300-horsepower diesel engines.
-Guests were treated to concerts by Sting, Elton John, and Chris Martin among some the ancient runes near the resort.
-No word what was actually discussed, what idea had been implemented, or which group the guests would want to reach out to gain a better perspective on how to begin to influence the powers that be.
Source Source ONTD, what are your fave sides when dining on the bourgeois?
Edit: Changed the tweet and source. Didn't know it was a right-wing twitter, sorry yall