Busta Rhymes allegedly flips out on passengers on flight to London

Aug 02, 2019 18:12

Busta Rhymes allegedly flips out on passengers on flight to London https://t.co/Bt5lt34WqG pic.twitter.com/h4XSDBy7ct
- Page Six (@PageSix) August 2, 2019

The rapper Busta Rhymes boarded a flight at JFK Airport on Monday evening.
He became “agitated, aggressive and rude” to a woman who had stored her luggage in his compartment.
This British woman stood up and said the bags belonged to her.
He was ranting and raving, getting really angry and demanding to know why she had used his locker.
He told her to move her stuff immediately.
He began shouting and behaving extremely aggressively.
The woman was getting more and more upset, she began crying.
She got more and more tearful, her husband intervened and told him he needn’t be so rude to his wife.
The husband said that Busta was upsetting her when she was clearly happy to move her things.
Rhymes reportedly said, “Let’s go homeboy,” to the woman’s husband.

the spokesperson said :
"There were no reported injuries, and no offenses disclosed. The passengers concerned then proceeded with their journeys.”


candids, music / musician (rap and hip-hop)
