Police Say Kevin Hart's Car Accident Was Caused By Reckless Driving

Oct 11, 2019 08:33

California Highway Patrol investigators have determined that neither the driver nor the passengers were wearing seatbelts during #KevinHart's horrific car crash https://t.co/RlIropOSig
- ET Canada (@ETCanada) October 11, 2019

Police Say Kevin Hart's Car Accident Was Caused By Reckless Driving. Authorities haven't released toxicology reports or any foul play as Hart and his Napoleon complex left the scene right after accident leaving other passenger(s) at the scene. The passenger(s) weren't wearing seat belts. Hart will resume work commitments as the second installment of Jumanji will be released in December. Hart has no ill feeling towards the driver Jared Black.

source= https://twitter.com/ETCanada/status/1182611856491503617

kevin hart, accidents
