The Cheating Creative Cliche, Explained - When Art Imitates Infidelity...

Dec 21, 2024 18:40

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From writers to singers to actors and beyond, there’s long been a trope that creatives are so filled with passion and emotion that they just can’t help but spread their love around. Of course, people of all kinds can and do cheat, but artists have spearheaded this trope to some degree in the popular culture because they keep making art about them doing it. So… why do artists seem so obsessed with this rather destructive form of love (and telling us all about it?)

00:00 Intro
00:46 A drive for drama in fiction & real life
02:19 Cheating as a trope across media
04:57 When they pull infidelity from their real lives...
08:32 The fame imbalance & ignored pain
10:19 So, where do we go from here


film, music / musician, cheating / affair, television
