Instar Star Season Four is Finally Airing

May 02, 2008 12:23

I'm still recovering from some weird illness that started a week ago as just grumpiness then progressed to generally feeling like barf, then to uncontrollable sneezing, then to generally feeling like barf while coughing up plumes of goo, then to a steady constant pain behind my forehead as if someone's pressing on it with the tip of a baseball bat. So today all I'm going to do is spill one handful of beans then go back to blankly staring off into space.

The aforementioned beans is this EXCLUSIVE SCOOP: the new season of Instant Star premieres Monday, June 2 at 8pm ET. Yes, on a Monday. That is not a typo. It's premiering on a Monday because we're very very excited about this season of Instant Star and so we want to treat it extra special like. So we've decided to blow it out. In fact we're all but injecting it directly into your eyeballs. The deal is, after the season premiere, we'll have new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. So that 's three new episodes every week. And if you miss one of them, you can watch them all again the following Monday. Not to mention in The Click.

So to summarize:

1) Watch the Instant Star season premiere Monday June 2 at 8pm ET
2) Watch a new episode Tuesday at 8pm ET
3) Watch a new episode Wednesday at 8pm ET
4) Watch a new episode Thursday at 8pm ET
5) Watch all those new episodes again the following Monday at 8pm ET
6) Repeat steps 2-5

If your symptoms persist, consult a physician.

As for what's actually IN the new season, The-Alison says that there's a new girl named "Zeppelin" that's "totally cute." And there's more of both Karma and Spiederman than last season. And as for the big question in everyone's mind, I can also tell you that, between Tommy and Jamie, Jude picks HA LIKE I WOULD ACTUALLY TELL YOU.

Oh, and remember the Instant Star Karaoke Showdown we did last season? Where yinz guys sang karaoke versions of Jude songs? And then people voted and the winner got fabulous prizes? Remember that? Its awesomeness? Yeah. We remember that too. It was awesome.

We're doing it again starting this weekend.



Very excited? Really? Then why are you dumping it in the middle of the summer when filming was over months ago and airing the episodes three times a week? The season will be over in a month. But Degrassi you string out forever with those ridiculous breaks for no reason. This show really bad, but it's the kind of bad I like in a timely manner damn it!

Anyway, if you go to The Click and click on Instant Star, there are music videos for two new songs there.