Heroes Spoiler

Jul 10, 2008 15:37

Today I come fresh from BBC Two's Autumn launch, where us journo types were treated to a world exclusive, never-seen-before, you-will-be-castrated-if-you-secretly-record-this-and-upload-it-to-youtube preview of Heroes season three. As I value my intimate regions quite highly, I'm afraid that what follows is the best I can do. A warning: spoiler-phobes should look away now.

  • Nathan Petrelli is apparently dead. We see him rushed to hospital, where resuscitation attempts fail. "There was nothing we could do," a doctor tells the family. I don't believe it.

  • Looks like Elle (Kristen Bell) is going to be spending a bit of time sparring with Sylar this season.

  • Angela Petrelli introduces us to "Level 5", a housing place for the most dangerous criminals in the world - rapists, arsonists, killers. Presumably this is where the band of Villains escape from.

  • Matt Parkman is alone in the middle of a desert screaming for help.

  • New Villain 'The Speedster' steals something from Hiro and quips, "Gotta run."

  • Is Sylar in league with Angela Petrelli? In one short clip he is seen approaching her from behind and placing his hands on her shoulders.

  • Linderman is back with a prophecy of doom. "The second coming is at hand," he warns.

  • And, perhaps the most shocking tease of all: a big bald man, incarcerated in Level 5, shouts: "I'm not who you think I am. I'm Peter Petrelli..."

  • The third season of Heroes will play out on BBC Two and BBC Three (and BBC HD) from the end of September, with a delay of just eight days on the original US broadcast. The season will comprise two "volumes", each containing 13 and 12 episodes respectively.
