Nigel and James.. HELOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Yes in the same room with me for a good 40 minutes, I know, I'm not sure how they came out the other side!
What I can tell you is that James Mcavoy brought me square sausage from his Grandad's butcher's shop, bless! They both arrived on their bikes and wouldn't stop giving it mines is bigger than yours, by the time you read this hopefully James will have passed his bike test.
They are in a play in Londons west end till May called '3 Days of Rain,' it's very good. Is James going to be playing Kurt Cobain in a film? Will he return to Shameless and what does Nigel think of Dot Cotton? Listen back to find out.
Source Hey, ONTD, would you spare a couple of dollars for a charity that James supports? There is a
fundraising page for The British Red Cross on that would benefit from your donation. Do it for James!!! Every dollar pound helps. Please check it out at: :-)