basically, this girl stalked alex gaskarth (the lead singer of all time low) and waited outside of his house for him. yeah, it's really creepy and has been going around tumblr.
'Yupp. thats alexander william gaskarth for ya'
I just met Alexander William Gaskarth. Mhmm. heres the storyy(: and picturesss.(:
'Soo there actually is a hustler clubb.'
'Peytonnn and Sebastionn(:'
'This is what was on alex’s front porch…'
1st, me and my best friendd, (breakout breakkout) bought alex’s address. We already live in marylandd, but we were going to baltimore to hang out. so it finally hit us today that alex lives like 20 mins from here. Sooo we found his address againn, and drove to his house. All his twitters and shit said that he was coming homee today but didn’t say whenn. Soooo we went to his housee, the lights were on but nobody would answer the door. Buttt, i got plentyy of pictures of Peyton and Sebastion. (their dogggsss.) Soo, like the stalkers we are, we waited outside his house for an hour withh nobody comingg homeee. Still. Soo i checked my twittterrrr, and Lisa said somethingg like: goingg to pick up the boyy from the airport. Soooo we decided to drive aroundd, til we found a bob evans so we sat down and we asked our waittrees if Alex Gaskarthhh ever comes in to eat here. and it turns outtt she went to highh school withh him. Not that that has anything to do withh thatt, but it was coool. Sooo when we were downn, we drove backk to his housee, and turned off the headlights and drove to the end of his street and waiting. Well, abouttt 5 minutes later, a car turns into his drivewayy. We started freakingg outt and our little sisters started to jump outta the car along withh me, buttt charlotte, (breakout, breakk out) got scared and hid in the trunk. Soo i tried to get her to comee, but she wouldnt so i started walking. Then she finally camee, and started running to me and i was almost at his drivewayy, us being all confident and shit, then we saw this..: LISA FUCKING CAME IN AND JUMPED ON ALEX’S WAIST, AND STARTED SUCKING HIS MOTHER FUCKING FACE OFF, AND STILL DOING THIS, SHE TOOK ON HAND AND CLOSED THE BLINDS. i bet ya can guess what was bout to happen. Soo we freaked and jumped in his bush….(hahahaa thats what she said) Butttt, Maddi and Hope(sisters) already at the door and not seeing this banged on the door. Out comes Alex Gaskarth and a very pissed off Lisa Ruocoo. Sooo we ran up to the door, and we saw her face and started cracking upp. She was soooo pissed. Thennn we realized who the fuck was standing 2 inches away from us. Sooo Maddi and Hope got autographs, then me and Charlotte got pictures. But after every picture, he would be like ‘yeah thanks for coming guys!’ and try and close the dooor but we’d be like: ‘wait wait wait! one more picture!!’ so he did being the gentleman that he is.(: Ohh and he had a boner. I’m assuming it was from Lisa, but heyy a girl can dream(: Sooo we left his door. I was shaking for about 20 mintures then i realized what had just happened. I MET ALEXANDER WILLIAM FUCKING GASKARTH! at his house. and he had a boner. (: amazingg. *sighh*
alex has since tweeted about it:
the girl's tweets back:
sourcethis is so fucked up. :/ i'm not even a fan of ATL but you don't wait outside of a celeb's house to meet them.