Since last summer we've known that MTV and Paramount Home Entertainment is preparing a 2010 DVD release for the animated series Daria, the 1997 spin-off of Beavis and Butt-head. This morning Paramount has officially announced the title, giving us a release date of:
May 11, 2010
Daria - The Complete Animated Series on DVD will, according to the studio, contain "ALL FIVE SEASONS PLUS BOTH MOVIES!" The running time is 1606 minutes (almost 27 hours!), and video is listed as full screen. Audio specs haven't been provided yet, nor do we have pricing or package art so far. But for now here's a list of the bonus material that will be found on the set, and please stay tuned for updates!
- Pilot - Sealed With a Kick
- Music Video: Mystik Spiral Music Video "Freakin' Friends"
- Daria Day Intros
- Top Ten Video Countdown Hosted by Daria & Jane
- Cast & Crew Interviews
- Never Before-Seen Mystik Sprial spin-off script
This morning we spilled the beans that MTV/Paramount is releasing Daria - The Complete Animated Series on DVD this coming May 11th. Since then we've learned that this will be an 8-disc set, and while we haven't been given this collection's specific list price yet, an info sheet we've seen tells retailers that this will be available "at a LOW price - GREAT VALUE" (bolding and underline is quoted from the studio materials). But the best part of that info sheet was an early look at the cover of the package. This may not be final, and could be subject to change, but we thought we should share it with all of you long-patient fans right away!
Source: The
Fashion Club IDC how "affordable" this is, I'd sell my firstborn to finally get these DVDs. I was wondering if it'd have the movies - not like it really matters, since I already have them on DVD, but still!!!! MAY!!!! It's only 91 days away!!!!!!!!!