Men's Health Magazine:
"Hedlund started as a sloucher, but by the time filming began, he was walking into the gym with swagger. It wasn't just confidence showing, though: It was the result of stronger core and back muscles, which helped his posture and gave him a visible physical confidence. "If he stands taller and pulls his shoulders back and down, he looks more imposing, more heroic," Hood says. "Body-fat percentage doesn't matter. It's really about how you look."
And how you feel.
"You might think the thinner version of yourself is going to be the most positive or confident, but that's not how it is for me," Hedlund says. "When I'm over 200 pounds, that's when I'm the most confident version of myself."
But he's also comfortable with a less sculpted self. Perfection is never what he strives for. That's an impossibility; being afraid to screw up only limits you. It's why Hedlund says he thinks of life as a new car-one you've already scratched. Now you're free to roam a little looser, to take gravel roads, no longer fearing a ding or a dent."
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From Women's Health Magazine
*Yes I bolded the entire interview, so sue me....I thought the whole thing was important*:
"You’ve gained and lost a lot of weight for roles. Do ladies tend to prefer you leaner or heavier?
It’s funny-I read that women look to chiseled-faced guys for one-night stands, and to round-faced guys for marriage. When I’m rounder in the face, I like to say, “This is my long-term look.” Or “This is my wife-and-kids look right here.”
What’s something you love in a woman?
Brains. That’s why we’ve got Olivia Wilde in this world. [Sex appeal] is nothing physical whatsoever. It’s the mind and where that goes, the sense of humor. Everything else is just…whatever.
If you’re interested in a woman, how likely are you to ask her out?
I always joke that it’s hard to travel on subways. You see a woman, and you fall in love. And then she gets out, and she walks away, and everything’s done. I’m not good at chatting right away. Women have to be very patient with me, I suppose.
So an assertive woman doesn’t turn you off?
I’m not turned off by it. I’m sort of helped by it, endeared by it. It’s sweet. But I’m not trying to find myself in any relationship right now. I want to give 100 percent to it, and I can’t do that at the moment."
From W:
"Traditionally, there’s only one golden-boy megastar a decade-in the Seventies, Sixties icon Steve McQueen handed the blond baton to Robert Redford, who, in the Eighties, passed it to Brad Pitt. While Pitt is still the reigning blond, Garrett Hedlund is his successor. He was first cast as Pitt’s look-alike cousin in Troy. And watching Hedlund’s performance in Country Strong, as an up-and-coming country music star who seduces two women, one is instantly reminded of Pitt’s breakthrough moment in Thelma & Louise. Hedlund is commanding, vulnerable, sexy. And he can sing. Apart from talent and the fact that he’s great-looking, the 26-year-old has that ineffable quality-star power. Which is why he will be the next one, the blond that defines the upcoming decade....."
"How did you get from the farm in Minnesota to Hollywood?
Growing up, I would watch a movie on video and would go to the back of the VHS and locate the address for Universal Pictures or MGM or whatever. I’d write to the studios asking them if I could be in a movie. They never wrote me back. When I was 14, I moved to Arizona to live with my mother. Being in Arizona, I was only one state away from California. For two or three years, I flew to L.A. for auditions. I’d get out of school, fly into Burbank airport, get in a taxi, go to the audition, taxi back, fly back to Arizona, and go to school the next day. I remember the reaction to my first audition: I think the phrase was “You sucked pond water.”
But it got better fast: At 18, you were cast as Brad Pitt’s cousin in Troy.
Yeah-when my senior prom was happening, I was in Malta filming Troy.
You had to die in that movie. It’s hard to imagine your death when you’re only a teenager.
I didn’t know how I was going to die. I didn’t get much sleep the night before that scene, and finally, at 5 a.m., I decided to rehearse a little bit. I got down on the floor and started gagging and dry heaving. [Laughs.] I said, “That’s it-that’s how I’ll die.”"
"In ’07 I auditioned for the part twice. On my birthday that September, I was flying back from New York and I had to land in Chicago for a layover. When I got to the gate, my father called and sang me “Happy Birthday,” and at the same time I received an e-mail saying I got the part in On the Road. I boarded the plane so happy. When I landed in L.A., I got another call from Minnesota: After he hung up the phone with me, my father had a heart attack. He’s doing fine now, but that’s life-a great amount of good is always evened out by a great amount of bad. I find it’s best to acknowledge that weird balance.
[Hedlund’s phone rings. He picks it up and skips it against the floor like a rock across a lake. The phone bashes into the wall.] If I was in a car, that phone would be out the window. [Laughs.] I’m not good with phones and gadgets and stuff. I don’t appreciate them the way others do. You know how when somebody gets a new car, they are so worried about that first scratch, but after that everything’s fine? Well, I just say, “Everything to me in life is like the second scratch.”"
*Now onto another video and some pictures :)*
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*drabble* = my commentary
I know the "W Magazine" video was already posted, but for those who haven't seen it, I wanted to also post the written out interview. And for those who are in the "tl:dr" crowd....sorry (said in Dave Chappelle's voice). You know to enjoy the pictures ;) And no this isn't grand spanking new, but I don't remember anyone posting the interview and articles of these, just the pictures.
Speaking of pictures, this small selection isn't doing him any justice, so feel free to pic spam :D