comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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anonymous August 3 2011, 12:06:06 UTC
Sam gets sick in the Impala. Not just a little, we're talking projectile vomiting, splattering and making a big huge mess. Any season, but not pre-series. Gen, please.


anonymous August 3 2011, 12:37:50 UTC
I forgot to mention - bonus points if Dean has little to no warning before it happens.


FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 1/2 cherry916 August 4 2011, 09:41:52 UTC
Why oh why did Dean talk him into entering that hot dog contest? Sam thought while holding his queasy stomach.

He knows why, Dean decided they needed some time off and needed to kick back but instead of instant rebuffing from Sam he got a quick yes, he really wanted some time off too.

A couple of shots and Sam was about ready to play strip poker but no Dean being the horrible no good brother that he is entered Sam into a hot dog eating contest and with Sam’s walls and inhibitions down he easily agreed and actually won.

Which ok yeah that was pretty awesome. They won a cash money prize of 500 dollars and a stupid trophy of a hot dog which Dean held up like he was the one who did all the work ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 cherry916 August 4 2011, 09:43:14 UTC

The car hit a surprising bump and Sam lurched forward. His face paled and became green in color. He burped and plastered his hand over his mouth.

And just like that, because he’s a fucking irony on legs, bile seeped up his windpipe burning his esophagus and splattering out form behind his hand.

“Sam? What-Ewww!” Dean muttered incoherently pulling over quickly to the side of the road.

Sam coughed as his eyes watered and his throat constricted. More bile seeped out and suddenly he couldn’t stand to hold his hand over his mouth.

Bits and chunks of undigested hot dogs spilled all over his lap, the dash and onto the leather seats.

He felt Dean’s hand on his back but he shook his head frantically. Not yet.More bile spewed out until finally the bread started to pop out into disgusting wet globs. The smell was horrendous and Sam didn’t know if he would ever stop vomiting ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 anonymous August 4 2011, 20:59:02 UTC
This was full of awesome! Poor Sam!

Dean holding up the hot dog trophy like he'd won it himself... I loved it and it totally seemed like something Dean would do. :D


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 cherry916 August 5 2011, 03:30:45 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it :D


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 anonymous August 11 2011, 03:34:01 UTC
...That was viscerally disgusting.


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 cherry916 August 11 2011, 15:06:40 UTC
Haha that was the point. Just fulfilling what the prompter wanted


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 lisaj67 August 21 2011, 21:31:32 UTC
God I looooooved this we need more like this maybe Jared rather than Sam next time hehehehe x :)


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 cherry916 August 21 2011, 22:54:07 UTC
Thank you :)


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 thisweshallsee August 22 2011, 03:32:52 UTC
Awwwwww! Love! Poor Sammy and I love Dean's reactions. I have a puking!Sam thing, hehe, but you know half of my love for it is about the aftercare and poor weak, cold, shaking and tired Sammy being comforted and snuggled up in a blanket. <3 :-D So thanks for this. :-)


Re: FILLED: Big Brothers and Hot Dogs Never Mix 2/2 cherry916 August 22 2011, 03:39:33 UTC
Thank you :D


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