comment fic meme

Aug 01, 2012 23:53

It's that time again!

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&comment-fic meme

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kettle_o_fish August 2 2012, 15:24:51 UTC
Apocalyptic curtain!fic AU (is that a thing? If it's not, it is now). Sam and Dean survive whatever apocalypse you feel like throwing at them. Zombies, Croatoan, Leviathan-victory, meteor, global warming, nuclear meltdown, whatevs. They find a camp. They settle down. It sucks, but it's okay. They have a place in their little band of survivors. People know them. People like them. They contribute. Sometimes they even still have fun ( ... )


kettle_o_fish August 6 2012, 13:14:15 UTC
I do!

Yay! That was basically my headcanon, though I was having trouble deciding if he made it back in time with medicine or just...made it back in time. These comment memes, man, they just send my angst-o-meter into overload.

And I know how you feel about their timing! I've been cutting back on fic in general lately to work on original stuff, but I still owe people stories and I'm working on THOSE, and yet, there are a few prompts that I'm probably going to end up taking a crack at because they look so delicious...even though I really don't have the time. ><


quickreaver August 6 2012, 06:24:59 UTC
Mmmm, you always hurt Sammeh so good. Delightful little fill! :D


mentholpixie August 6 2012, 06:36:43 UTC
Thanks! Hurting Sammy is a huge passion of mine. XD


rokhal August 9 2012, 04:28:52 UTC
I love this. It's deep and bleak yet still inspiring in that Dean still chooses to bank on the hope of a cure, even if the odds of Sam surviving are practically nil. Dean's quest and Ally's vigil are heart-wrenching.

I love how you handle the mystery of Sam's illness. It's impossible to even find out what it is, what to do, what to expect. Dean's errand for antibiotics (any antibiotics! No way to know which ones would work!) is probably doomed without some kind of diagnosis, and humanity is once again powerless and terrified in the face of pneumonia. You really bring home how much we all depend on Civilization just so we can have a life expectancy.


mentholpixie August 9 2012, 05:05:54 UTC
Wow, thank you!

I'm really just thrilled that you enjoyed it so much! Thank you so much.


greeneyes_fan August 11 2012, 23:14:17 UTC
Okay, I am now ded. Beautiful!


mentholpixie August 12 2012, 00:33:26 UTC
Thank you!


ladybastet92 August 6 2012, 01:53:37 UTC
27_jaredjensen August 7 2012, 02:00:49 UTC
god, I love this prompt SO FUCKING MUCH ahh want


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