Feb 22, 2015 12:21
Okay, from February 22nd to March 1st inclusively, leave up to five Sam-centric h/c prompts! You don't have to participate in the challenge to leave a prompt, although it is encouraged! I will compile a master list under the cut, along with claims. (You don't have to prompt in order to claim, either, for that matter, but again, it is encouraged!)
One prompt per comment, please, and please warn for spoilers and/or any triggers in your prompt. We encourage "greying out" spoilers and triggers, or using white font, whichever works better for you. Please specify if your prompt is for gen, slash, het, other or if you don't mind either way. I will be listing the prompts by pairing (if you can call gen a pairing, but let's not start splitting hairs, right?)
After March 1st, prompting will be closed, and claiming will commence until March 6th, but you can post at any time until May 15th.
&fanworks challenge