Prompt list, continued

Nov 02, 2010 06:58

Okay! So the first prompt post is officially too long. You guys are awesome. So we're continuing here. Comments will be disabled, please continue prompting in the original post. :)

Gen, No Preference, or Unspecified Prompts, cont'd

91- In which I am more with the sadism and less with the comfort. Gen, or, hey, surprise!Sassy.

Sam has an untreated strep infection (because Winchesters don't exactly rush to the doctor over a sore throat) which flares into Rheumatic Fever. Lucky Sam! He's one of those rare patients who develops it as an adult. And he's one of the even luckier ones who has lasting heart complications. Lots of Dean, of course, but I fancy a little Cas in this; it would be interesting to see Cas interacting with a human who has a chronic physical weakness. Team Free Will functioning around heart!condition!Sam. Prompt is here. Claimed by wave_obscura.

92- Spoiler for 6.07: Sam dies during a hunt without anyone ever finding out that his soul is gone. Dean is sad but also kind of glad, because the brother he got back was so different from the brother he knew and loved, and at least now Sam's finally found peace - or so he thinks.
Eventually Dean dies as well and ends up in heaven, expecting to be reunited with Sam there because they are soulmates and all, but Sam's nowhere to be found. Only then does Dean learn that Sam's soul never made it out in the first place and has spend the last couple of centuries/millenia (depending on how long Dean lived on without him) being tortured in hell.
So Dean goes on a quest down into the pit to find Sam and save him.
I wouldn't mind Castiel joining him for it, but it's not a must. Prompt is here. Claimed by minviendha.

93- Any Firefly fans out there, I'd love to see a River-like Sam (aka: powerful, unstable, mental). Caring big brother a must. Dean's always there for Sam despite him being rarely, if ever, really lucid. Prefer gen., but wincest would be okay too. Definitely post-cage. Prompt is here. Claimed by wrath_n_raiths.

94- Season 4 Gen: Dean gets too smarmy with a witch because he's pissed off at Sam for going behind his back. During the night the witch returns the favor and turns Sam into a toddling one year old whose bound to get into a heap of trouble. Prompt is here.

95- Sam trapped alone or underground (and injured too would be great) somehow for a really long period of time (so he has small amount of water with him that he has to ration). He has no contact with the outside world so doesn't know anyone is looking for him..except of course for awesome big brother Dean, gen, pre-series to S3. Prompt is here.

96- Gen. S1. Sam has a severe tapeworm infection / infestation ( And due to his low immunity because of all the tapeworms, he becomes one very sick young man. Prompt is here.

97- Spoilers for 6.07Dean always had a tendency to work through his emotional pain and frustration by using his brother as a punching bag. After Sam's soul was declared missing and with the way he's been because of it, Dean had a lot of frustration needing an outlet and no reason to hold back.
But even after Sam got his soul back Dean can't seem to stop his violent outbursts. It doesn't help that Sam never fights back.

I would love for Bobby or (even better) Cas to interfere and make Dean see what he's doing to his brother. Gen would be fine, Cas/Sam would be epic! Prompt is here.

98- Gen or Sam/Dean. Pre-series. John with Munchausen by Proxy. Or perhaps an AU where Mary lives and John dies, and Mary suffers the condition. Sam is around six when the abuse begins. As he grows older, the psychological damage begins to take it's toll on Sam (If the child lives to be old enough to comprehend what's happening, the psychological damage can be significant. The child may come to feel that he or she will only be loved when ill and may, therefore, help the parent try to deceive doctors, using self-abuse to avoid being abandoned).

Dean's point-of-view would be great, as he becomes suspicious and then discovers what's been going on, or alternating points-of-view - but I'm not picky. However the writer chooses to do this is fine. Prompt is here. Claimed by twirlycurls.

99- Gen or Sam/Dean - pre-series or set when John appears on the show in season one. John suffers from Capgras Delusions, where he thinks that Sam has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. Because this is the land of supernatural creatures, maybe he thinks Sam's possessed, or a shape shifter or doppelganger. Dean's not sure what to believe - on one hand, he knows Sam, and Sam hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. On the other hand, John knows more than Dean. . . right? Prompt is here. Claimed by real_funky_town.

100- Gen, any season, although I'd love s5/s6. Given most of the prompts here are somehow both incredibly terrifying and fascinating, I'm going for something light: when stopping for a bit in a deserted, out-of-the-way cabin, Sam is stung by a scorpion. Most scorpion stings aren't fatal: at most, the person who's stung will just have to put up with a lot of pain for a little while. For some reason (up to the writer) Dean and Sam don't have access to anti-inflammatories or powerful-enough painkillers. Dean tries to help Sam through the pain in his own inimitable way. Prompt is here. Claimed by wave_obscura.

101- Season 6. After everything is over and Sam's back to normal, everything that happened catches up with him and he collapses in complete exhaustion. Dean and/or Castiel watch over him while he sleeps. Gen or slash both welcome. Prompt is here.

102- Spoilers for s6, particularly 6.07:

So, we know Sam can't sleep anymore. Presumably nothing can make him go to sleep - not pills, alcohol, nothing (I don't know for sure; at this point, I've only seen the 6.07 preview, not the ep proper, but it makes sense that this is the case). He gets injured on a hunt - nothing that would be a big deal, usually, just needing stitches, some immobilisation, lots of rest. But Sam can't go to sleep, which pretty much means he's always feeling some pain. He's developed his own methods of dealing with this over the past year - and Dean is torn between being concerned about his brother, and freaked at what he's become. Gen, please. Prompt is here.

103- Season 5 Sam gets some sort of head injury. When he wakes up, he has no recollection of the past several years. The last thing he remembers is having visions and starting to fear he might go darkside and Dean assuring nothing bad will happen to him, as long as he's around. Prompt is here. Claimed by de_nugis.

104- Gen, Sam in watery peril. Sam is attacked and captured by the Baddie of the Week, which happens to be some sort of aquatic or amphibious beastie. The creature drags Sam to its seaside lair in a cave and immobilizes him there, cold, wet, and injured.

Naturally Dean tracks him down, but by the time he finds Sam the tide is coming in and their escape from the cave is underwater. Sam is too weak/injured/cold to be able to swim out, so they are forced to spend the night in the cave. Dean cuddles Sam to keep him warm, talking to him through the night to keep him awake and grounded.

Super-bonus-internetz points for semi-drowned Sam, rescue breathing, and hypothermic!Sam. Prompt is here. Claimed by cece_away.

105- Ok, over the seasons, we've seen a dysfunctional pattern between Sam and Dean. (Yeah, I know, one of many).

Dean bottles up his emotions. As the pressure builds, Sam starts to prompt him to talk. As Dean gets more stressed, Sam (even when he's not trying to get Dean to talk) starts to really grate on Dean's nerves. Something sends Dean over the edge and he lashes out physically at Sam.

For examples in seasons 2 and 4, see Bloodlust and Metamorphosis. I'm not counting when one/both were supernaturally influenced or when Sam hit first. Huh, look at that pattern, though. Dean hits his limit about every 2 years. That works into my prompt:

Referring back to Dean's line in the pilot that he hasn't bothered Sam in 2 years, assuming that they stayed in touch before that, and assuming that this pattern of Dean suppressing then exploding on Sam goes back to childhood (or at least teenagerhood), tell the tale of Sam (20) and Dean (24) which lead to one/both of them cutting contact. Prompt is here. Claimed by samidha.

106- Gen, spoilers for recent episodes:

Mary, who never quite made it to heaven, finds out about Sam's soul and where it is, so she goes through the deepest pits of hell to retrieve it.

I want Mary being totally kick-ass, and then some motherly comfort. Prompt is here. Claimed by m14mouse.

107- Vid prompt. Not positive this is allowed, but I saw that you can mark a post vid so I'm gonna try. This is an awesome, barely known song that just SCREAMS of the Winchester boys. It's called "Gin" by Drew Bunting. I put a link to a vid of it since I thought lyrics would take up too much room. But check it out. It would make a wonderful vid or fic or anything really. It's all Winchester hurtiness. Prompt is here. *mod hat* This is a fic challenge, but it's a cool prompt, so if someone wants to run with it, by all means.

108- Dean ends up getting Sam's soul back, but there are complications. A traumatized, broken Sam is the result because, to make matters worse, Sam's powers and/or visions have returned worse than ever. Now he can feel them. Sam is pretty much insane at this point, speaking in riddles, powers uncontrolled.

Dean takes care of him, but carries major guilt around because he knows Sam really didn't want his soul/feelings back because he knew it would be bad, he only did it because it was what Dean wanted. To add insult to injury, Bobby and Cas had also wondered if they were doing the right thing. They try to look after Sam. An ill, self-destructive Sam sounds good. A scene with a vision-plagued, violently seizing Sam with Dean trying to hold him down and desperatly pleading with him to be okay would be lovely. Prompt is here. Claimed by justmmy.

109- Gen. S1. Sam passes a Kidney Stone... or a series of them (your choice whether there's only one or several of them) -- and possibly has a kidney infection on top of it. Just give me whimper-y, tear-y Sam trying to piss and failing and the little he manages to pass feels like shards of burning glass. Prompt is here.

110- S6, Gen please. Takes place right after 6x06 but AU for 6x07.

Before finding out about Sam's "condition", Sam gives Dean and Cas the slip and escapes. He decides to stay under the radar for a while but gets injured during a hunt. Dean, who's been looking for "Sam" for weeks/months suddenly gets a phone call from a hospital saying they have his brother and he's in critical condition.

Now Dean must try to find the balance between worried brother and skeptical hunter. Prompt is here.

111- S5, Gen, right after Changing Channels.

As you know, in the "Japanese tv-show world", the trickster, in the role of the game show host, asked Sam and Dean questions in Japanese, but the boys didn't understand them. Since Sam has a fantastic memory, he's actually able to recall the words later even though he has no idea what they mean. Hoping there might be something useful in there, he asks Bobby to translate for him.
Once Bobby can make sense of Sam's awkward pronunciation, he feels pretty bad about it all, especially since the second question (and Dean's correct answer) are the Confirmation by Archangel that everything bad that happened to their family was because of Sam. Prompt is here.

112- I am a sucker for Cas being tender and caring for Sam, but I'm also me, so Gen, please. You can easily use the events of this season for this or you could set it season 5. Your choice.

He is hypothermic when he wakes. Cold, bare feet, dumb and shaking hands, lips that might be blue if he could see them. He is half-blind in the daytime as if he's stared too long at the sun. He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know where he's from, he only knows that he has to go home. Where is home, they ask him? And they name towns and cities and states. He denies them all, though he pauses on South Dakota and Kansas without knowing why. He must live somewhere, they tell him, but he can only say D and no one knows what that means. But they give him warm blankets and hot soup, socks for his chilly feet and a white band on his wrist that names him John Doe. He is kept with the medicated and the mad and he hides every night that there's a clear full moon. Hides from its light like he expects it to burn him. Maybe he is mad. He thinks so because an angel - and angels are badwrongpainhurt - starts coming to him. A little bit every day and approaching him slowly, carefully like he's a stray dog in desperate need of help, but who might still bite. The angel says he can take him home, but angels hurt and he just doesn't know. Prompt is here. Claimed by running_hot.

113- Gen, Sam has a primary spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung without injury) while on a hunt. Dean freaks the hell out. Prompt is here. Claimed by embroiderama.

114- Sam + poison ivy version 1. Snarky but caring Dean and pink Calamine lotion dotted Sam, itching, oatmeal bathes, blisters, and did I mention snark? Prompt is here. Claimed by brigidmn.

115- Is this weird? It's weird, but I'mma doing it anyway. This is going to be a Gen prompt like woah. So, really, no sexual anything here. It'll be icky otherwise.

We always de-age one of the boys and deal with either the emotional and psychological damage of the de-aged or the normal brother who must care for him, but... Sam and Dean come across returned to Earth, de-aged Jess. I shouldn't have to explain how this hurts Sam, but if you need a hint - he was going to marry this girl. And now she's a child, she doesn't remember him, not in the way that he remembers her, and she's small, alone, and vulnerable in the world. It's not like he can drop her off at her parents' or anything. So, he (and Dean because, well, Dean's cute as hell with kids, sorry) have to care for her, raise her, and accept that on Earth and now in Heaven, everything that he had with Jessica is gone and there is only this new relationship with this young girl who will grow up thinking of him as Dad. How does that strangeness, that sadness, turn into peace and acceptance?

You can curtain fic this if ya want. Prompt is here.

116- Sam + Poison Ivy version 2, the major whump version because Wikipedia is full of interesting things.

-From wikipedia: If poison ivy is burned and the smoke then inhaled, this rash will appear on the lining of the lungs, causing extreme pain and possibly fatal respiratory difficulty. (Note: the rash is an allergic reaction, so not all people may be sensitive)

So, forest fire, Sam inhales poison ivy smoke, really not fun times ensue.. you can go as far down the angst road as you want with this, including dead Sam.

(Bonus if, while in the woods, Sam gets the regular skin rash version of poison ivy, too, cause why not?) Prompt is here.

117- Gen or Wincest. Sam cracks his pelvis somewhere remote. Out in the woods, on a mountain, far from the exit in a Costco, etc. Dean must build a travois and pull Sam to help. Cue Sam in serious pain and battling shock while Dean talks and talks to keep him awake and distract him from the way every little root and pebble they hit feels like hot pokers in his hip. Prompt is here. Claimed by greeneyes_fan.

118- In the end, Sam stands watching himself die. Watches Dean sit pale and hollow-eyed next to his hospital bed, eyes caught between the rise and fall of Sam's chest and the blip blip blip of the bedside monitor. Sam's soul has made it out of hell, but not back to his body. There is a reaper standing nearby, kind and sympathetic, but still waiting. Stay or go, Sam. Stay or go. The time is now. Sam knows he's going to go. He knows he doesn't want to stay, doesn't want to become the sort of thing waiting to get filled full of salt, but he needs to talk to Dean before he goes. He went to hell, defeated the Devil, and he hasn't had the chance to tell Dean how. And, shit, it's just been SO LONG since he's talked to Dean. Whether he has to shove his soul back into his dying meat or start throwing things around the room, he's going to find a way to say thank you, I love you, goodbye. Oh and? Gen, please! Prompt is here. Claimed by vail_kagami.

119- I had to do something less depressing after that last one. So, a picture prompt.

Gen pre-series: Young Sam is an annoyed Sam. Dean's always trying to make peace, trying to get Sam to see it Dad's way, and, yes, he does try to get Dad to back off, but dammit, why can't Dean just ever really agree when it comes to Dad? Dad's been? Argh. Dad. Let's move. Let's hunt. Let's save people? Whatever. Sam feels like crap. He's been trying to keep from coming down with something for days, he's sick of the car, and he wants to go back to Delaware and the cute girl that had just started to let him feel her up. He's kind of sick of it all, kind of sick of Dad and Dean and this life and everything. Then, bam. A hunt goes wrong, Sam's hurt, he's cut off from Dad and Dean, and he doesn't know what's worse, the pain or the fear of them being gone. Waking up in a hospital to the sound of Dad bitching out a physician and/or Dean flirting? Music to Sam's ears. Prompt is here.

120- 5x04 AU, Sam, Castiel, Gen.

Castiel knew Dean was sending him to die, knew he was being used as bait, but he was tired, watching Dean be so cold and tired and broken left Castiel feeling just so tired and he didn't care. He was pretty sure he welcomed death by then. He didn't expect to walk out of there, but he did. Limping, maybe, bleeding certainly, but he did. He also didn't expect to live long enough to see God return to Earth and deal with his wayward child, to see Lucifer finally defeated and for peace to return to the Earth. But, yeah, he did and Castiel finds himself there for the event and for the aftermath when Sam Winchester, once his friend, wakes up from his long, sleeping nightmare, addicted to demon blood and begging for Cas to tell him that Dean isn't dead, even if he's sure he remembers seeing him die while he watched, helpless, from behind his eyes. Castiel doesn't want the burden of caring for Sam, of watching over him while he comes down and withdraws from demon blood and screams and cries, but he has it. And maybe sometimes he just yells at Sam because how can this not be his fault and how can he have not found the strength to have stopped Lucifer from killing Dean and maybe he just wants to walk out while Sam is feverish and sweating in the little burned out wreck that they've made their home.

But Sam is still his friend and Castiel has never had that many good, true friends. Prompt is here Claimed by ratherastory.

121- S3, S4 or S5. Gen. Sam had some bad experiences his first year in college. Maybe he was assaulted, maybe even abused. But he blocked it out of his memory and never told Dean.
Years later he runs into his abuser(s) in a bar and quietly freaks out and flees. Leaving Dean confused and desperate for answers. How will Dean react when he finds out and will he be able to comfort Sam? Prompt is here. Claimed by vail_kagami.

122- Season 2 Gen: In bloodlust while getting rid of the dead Vamp by burning it the smoke affects asthmatic Sam's lung's to where he has an asthma attack. With all that's going on Dean forgets about his brothers asthma that has been a pain in the ass since the accident. Much worry and hurt/comfort abounds. It doesn't help any matter that Gordon was right there witnessing it all. Prompt is here.

123- Gen or Het. Sam injures himself while at Stanford and Jess is the one doing the comforting/caretaking. How it happens and what Sam hurts are up in the air, I just want some Jess and Sam. :) Prompt is here. Claimed by scullspeare.

124- Gen, Weechesters, AU all to hell.

Young Sam Winchester has been raised by angels and it's not been very nice. Specifically, they've told him that he is not very nice and that he's going to break the world and turn into the Devil. All his life, he promises that he won't, he swears that he won't, but no one believes him. Sometimes he has dreams that are almost pure sensory experiences, the smell of cigarettes and aftershave, the sound of car humming beneath him (and has he ever been in a car? He doesn't think so.), the half forgotten sound of laughter, green eyes, and someone who used to call him Sammy. His dreams are very, very nice and even if they make him feel more lonely and more sad, they make him kind of happy, too. And, so, he never tells the angels about them. He just prays and does penance for things he has not done and wonders what it would be like to live in his dreams and how it is that he has them at all.

Maybe one day he'll find out? Maybe not. Up to you. If you do let Sam go "home", bonus awesome John would be neat. Prompt is here. Claimed by mimblexwimble.

125- Late season 1 or early-mid season 2. Gen. Sam has one of his debilitating visions while he's awake. Unfortunately, he's behind the wheel of the Impala when it happens... Prompt is here. Claimed by nwspaprtaxis.

126- Sam walks into the ER ("walks," so he's not completely beaten up) after either breaking a bone and getting all scratched up by some fugly's claws, or because he is finally getting medical attention for a problem that has been lingering for a while and is now at the point where he needs help. They have to wait for hours. during which time Sam's pain is getting the better of him and his tolerance is waning despite Dean's best efforts at distraction.

A doctor finally comes in...and it's one of Sam's old Stanford friends. Said doctor obviously knows Sam's real last name (which is NOT what is written on the chart in his hands). There's a moment of "oh shit" on Sam's part and "hey man...uh, wtf? on the doctor's part. Sam is in too much pain (for whatever reason) to try to talk his way out of it, so he just gets up to leave, but even that's a struggle. Dean has no idea what is going on and quietly tries to get his brother to stay. I would love for Dean to be awesome and find a way to make it all work on both sides. Prompt is here.

127- Gen, wee!chesters. Sometime before Sam learns the truth, he gets kidnapped/menaced and hurt by a human-looking monster. John rescues him in bad-ass hunting mode, dispatching the creature violently. Sammy ends up traumatized by the ordeal, and frightened of his father. Prompt is here. Claimed by 4422shini.

128- Gen, any season - Sam and Dean are out hunting and bonk. Sam's hit over the head. When he wakes, he's inside an old barn that's been converted to an apiary. Worse? He's covered, covered with bees. They aren't angry, they're just on him as if he's the best and nicest flower in the world. He doesn't know if he can get out of the barn without making the bees angry and he really, REALLY does not want to make the bees angry.

Pity that Dean (awesome and unknowing Dean, don't portray him as a dumb schmuck, pls) comes hollering for him. Sam tries to, so quietly, call out. Quiet, Dean. Quiet. I'm here. I'm here. I need help. Oh, man, do I need help. But, Dean can't hear him and the bees are stirring. Prompt is here.

129- S3, S4, S5 or S6. Gen. The boys are always getting hit in the head, with no consequences, so I'd like to see a fic where Sam bumps his head or takes a fall on his head, but they pay no attention to it. But when they get back to the motel Sam's feeling a bit weird and dizzy and of course doesn't tell Dean. The next morning Dean tries waking Sam up but he can't, cause Sam's in a coma. Dean evidently freaks out. Prompt is here.

130- Spoilers up to 6.07: After Sam gets his soul back, he seems surprisingly okay - a little quiet and withdrawn perhaps, but apart from that he doesn't seem to suffer much trauma from his stay in hell. Except that he avoids sleep where he can, through coffee, distraction, and drugs, to the point where he's an exhausted, unfocused, miserable mess. Eventually he collapses, sleeps like a baby for half a day, and then the cycle begins anew.
It takes the others a while to figure out what is wrong: even though his sleep seems to be peaceful, Sam dreams of the cage every time, reliving his memories in excruciating detail. Like time in hell, the time in dreams doesn't follow the laws of real time, and in every hour Sam sleeps, he lives through one year in hell. He tries his best to avoid that and to keep himself together when he's awake, but eventually it becomes too much.

Gen or slash, both is okay. (In case of slash, Dean/Sam or Cas/Sam, please.) Prompt is here.

131- It's not too long after the events covered by the flashback scenes in 3x08, A VERY SUPERNATURAL CHRISTMAS, where the boys cute as little buttons (as opposed to being cute as big buttons). John needs extra help on a hunt so he takes both boys along. Sam's the one who gets hurt -- how / what is up in the air, the only thing is *NO* concussions. But because he's still feeling slightly betrayed Dad never told him monsters existed and then he gets hurt on this hunt (and blames Dad for his injury), he refuses to let John anywhere near him to treat his injuries. But he'll let Dean come close to him. Cue in Little!Dean taping up his brother and promising things will be okay and he's got him. Cue in John feeling like an outsider-looking-in on his sons' dynamic and how he's been effectively pushed out of Sam's "circle of trust". Prompt is here.

132- Wee!chesters. What's Sam's backstory with clowns? What's Dean's with flying? I have a picture prompt here that a very talented artist over at deviantart drew. It would be awesome to have a fic based off that picture. Prompt is here.

133- Spoilers up to 6.07: So this is another OMG SAM HASN'T SLEPT IN MORE THAN A YEAR prompt. One thing that happens if you are massively sleep-deprived is that you build up a dream deficit, and when you do sleep, you have more and more vivid dreams. So just imagine what might happen to Sam's dreams if he returns to normal sleep after a year and more of total sleeplessness. I'm not thinking basic trauma nightmares here, I'm thinking of a storm of dreams, changing constantly, really vivid and incredibly STRANGE. So much that the ordinary world seems sort of faded and unreal to him, and he isn't quite processing what's happening to him day to day, but he's always talking to Dean about the weird places he goes when he's asleep. And then he starts dreaming even when he's wide awake. Prompt is here. Claimed by rainylemons.

134- Spoilers up to 6.07: When they get Sam's soul back, all of the memories his physical self has made since he got out are deleted. All he has left are his memories of the Cage, where he has been for over a year, at the mercy of Lucifer and Michael. They have been alternating between tormenting Sam and ignoring him completely while they fight with each other. He is completely traumatised and almost feral, and he doesn't believe he's actually out - he thinks it's a trick. Dean, either on his own or with the help of Bobby and/or Cas, tries to convince him that it's not a trick and he's actually out of Hell, and help him recover. Prompt is here. Claimed by de_nugis.

135- I'd love to see a crossover with His Dark Materials,where Sam is separated from his daemon rather than his soul. Dean gets it back for him. Prompt is here. Claimed by jacyevans.

136- Spoilers up to 6.07. Once Sam gets his soul back, he has a lot of lost sleep to make up for. Because he's so exhausted, though, he doesn't wake up when he has nightmares and is trapped in them. After days of watching Sam suffer in his sleep, Dean takes some dream root so he can go drag his brother back to consciousness. In Sam's dream, Dean comes across the scene in the nursery where he's a little boy. Except this time he's not carrying Sam out. Instead he's just staring at the baby in the crib impassively. Big Dean is yelling at young Dean to take Sam outside and run, but he's not listening. Colin Ford Sam shows up and calmly tells Dean there's no point in carrying Sam out. He was damned to hellfire before he was even born and it would have been better if he'd died in the fire then since all he did his whole life was destroy people and it's where he ended up anyway. Dean has to convince Sam he's wrong once they're awake. Prompt is here. Claimed by minviendha.

137- Gen. Between S3 and S4 (when Dean's in Hell). Sam comes down from a horrible Demon!Blood high. The kind with hallucinations, the shakes, the sweats, you name it... feel free to amp it up -- both the high itself and the coming-down from said high. Anyways, someone comes in and offers him comfort and TLC. Doesn't matter who -- maybe Ruby, maybe some random nurse in the ER because someone saw Sam freaking out on the sidewalk and called 911... be creative.

I'm thinking Demon Blood must be a bit like crack or heroin. There's the pure stuff and then there's the not-so-pure stuff that has other stuff mixed in it (I'm not a druggie and know squat about drugs other than what they taught you in DARE way back in 5th grade). Anyways, the addiction and the pain of losing Dean and the loneliness is eating away at Sam and he *NEEDS* his fix and he'll get it in any way he can. So he grabs some random Demon and sucks her (or his) blood out of him. Thing is, he's gotten used to Ruby's (the pure stuff) and this one isn't quite the same. Cue in said vicious high.Prompt is here. Claimed by rainylemons.

138- Gen Season 2:

A witch curses Sam and forces him to have vivid dreams of his worst nightmares. (We all know that Sam see's some of our worst nightmares so it has to be bad.) After Sam tries to stay awake unsuccessfully he starts dreaming and seeing thing's during the day time. Sam's slowly losing his mind and his grasp on reality and Dean's silently freaking out about it. Finally Dean calls Bobby and being the awesome person Bobby is he has a solution. An early introduction to dream root that will enable Dean to go into Sam's dreams and try to help sort out all the mess and drag Sam back into the real world.

While in Sam's mind Dean's also disturbed at what really goes on in there. He had no idea that Sam thinks and thinks about alot of thinks. Like he even still thinks and contemplates what he did wrong with there Mom's death. After the craziness is over Sam sleeps alot and him and Dean have a talk. Hurt/Comfort abounds! Prompt is here.

139- Sam has suffered from migraines since college and took medication for them. After he starts hunting again, he keeps his problem a secret until one day a migraine hits and his medication has run out. Lots of pissed!comforting!Dean and schmoop. Bonus points if Dean finds a way to get the medication. Prompt is here. Claimed by cherry916.

140- John finds out from a demon or whatever what wee!Sam is meant to become. John knows what he has to do - kill Sam or let him become a monster. Naturally, John can't bring himself to kill his youngest, but he comes damn close. Prompt is here. Claimed by minviendha.

141- Sam finds out that his mother sold him before he was even conceived to bring John back from the dead. Cue bitter & hurt Sam & awesome!Dean. Prompt is here.

142- S4. Cas accidentally burns Sam's eyes out after revealing his true form. Dean tries to cope with stopping Lilith & caring for his embittered brother who's more than just hostile towards Cas. Prompt is here.

143- John Winchester kept two journals. Neither Sam nor Dean ever knew about the secret journal: the coded one that had everything John knew or suspected about Sam, himself. There were a few close calls, though, when Sam could've discovered it.

Tell the AU tale of teen!Sam coming across this other journal and decoding enough to realize what his Dad suspects. How does this knowledge change his plans for the future and his hopes of escaping the hunting life? How does it affect his relationships with Dean and John? How does it change his view of himself? Prompt is here. Claimed by antigone50.

144- AU. Given the ultimatum, stay or don't come back, Sam stays. Depressed!(alcoholic?)!Sam. Prompt is here.

145- Sam's line in ep 1.05 "Bloody Mary":
There’s a lot of folklore about mirrors-that they reveal all your lies, all your secrets, that they’re a true reflection of your soul, which is why it’s bad luck to break them.
Sam avoids mirrors, windows,... basically any reflective surface. Why? Because he can see his true reflection, his soul, in them. And Sam doesn't like what he sees.

(I'll leave it up to you whether anyone else can see the same thing when looking at reflections of Sam.) Prompt is here.

146- Gen, season 6 AU, Sam, Cas.

Crowley isn't the one who has Sam's soul. Cas has been keeping it safe... inside of his own vessel along with himself. He hasn't mentioned it partially out of selfishness, Sam, in whatever way you see fit, has been helping Castiel fight the war in Heaven. But, Cas has also been keeping Sam with him in the hopes of quieting the horrific dreams and memories of everything Sam endured under Michael and Lucifer's none to gentle hands in the cage. Your choice if Cas returns Sam's soul to his body during the course of the fic and if he tells Dean what he's done and why. Prompt is here.

147- Gen, post "The Song Remains the Same", Sam, Cas. Castiel told Anna that Sam Winchester was his friend and that he'd kill to keep him safe. He sleeps away what the Winchesters endure back in time, but when he returns and is somewhat himself again, he finds Sam, desperate and a bit wrecked taking watch while Dean sleeps. Sam details how difficult it was to meet his mother and how much harder it was to interact with his father,and how badly he wished it had been the John Winchester that Sam knew that he could have talked to. Tired, weak as he is, Castiel lets Sam talk and offers what comfort he can. Prompt is here.

148- So there was this little interview in TV Guide with Jared and Jensen, and Jared said that Sam is his inspiration, because he takes so many hits and keeps on going. It's here, and adorable:

This is totally one of the things I love about Sam, too. Anything on this theme would be lovely, but particularly something set in early/mid S5, where Sam is trying to overcome his addiction and repair his relationship with Dean. Maybe he ends up going to NA meetings in between hunts? Prompt is here. Claimed by zara_zee.

149- Gen. Sam's powers return in the form of crippling visions. His visions often hold clues for Castiel to where the weapons he's looking for are. Cas aches for his friend, but there's nothing he can do to help Sam.
Sam often comes back from the visions altered and can't always vocalize what he's seen. Which leads to writing/drawing or freaking out and writing in his own blood in desperation to get the information out if not watched.
Dean is back in full-on worried, helpless big brother mode having to watch Sam suffer. Blackouts, seizures, mental instability, etc...

Most likely setting in Season 6 after Sam's issue is resolved. Family (ie. Dean, Cas, and Bobby) involvement and worry huge plus. Prompt is here. Claimed by vail_kagami.

150- Folie a Deux: 6x07 Spoilers Bit of twisted Winchesters.
Sammy's been re-souled but is left decidedly less than stable. Being tortured in the deepest pit of Hell for centuries will do that. He doesn't really see the same lines between right and wrong or fantasy and reality anymore. He's barely lucid most times. He defends himself from hunters that are after him, but freaks out at the blood.
Dean goes berserk and slaughters the rest of the group that went after Sam. It goes on from there with the brothers killing for each other (mostly Dean) while still hunting and slipping further and further into their shared kind of madness.
All they care about is each other. If included in the story, Bobby would be the only exception to this. The boys could never hurt Bobby and they could never hurt him. Prompt is here.

151- Any season, but if S6, then after Sam's been fixed. Gen or slash.

Sam is attacked by vampires, who try to turn the hunter into one of them, like they did with Gordon Walker. As it turns out, though, Sam's immune to being turned. As it also turns out, his blod tasted really, really good, really unique, and is actually quite addictive.
So the vampires keep him and feed off him regularly, leaving him weak and helpless. Sexual overtones may also happen. (Take that as far as you like.)

Dean comes eventually to save Sam but is captured himself. The vampires either want to kill or turn him, but they make the mistake of leaving Sam unbound for a moment, thinking he's too weak and broken by then. And then they have to learn that just because Sam Winchester is weak, it doesn't mean he's harmless... Prompt is here. Claimed by odysseaia.

152- Sam gets his soul back after more than a year, but time in hell moves so much faster, and even more so in the cage. He's been there for centuries and he remembers it all. He's been Sam Winchester, hunter, brother of Dean, for 27 years. He's been the punching bag of two furious, self-righteous archangels for so, so much longer. By the time he gets out he knows the cage better than the world of the living, knows Lucifer and Michael better than Dean or Bobby. His memory is as good as ever - he remembers life as it was before, but it's all so very far away.

So Dean and everyone else do their best to help him learn how to be human again.
Bonus if Dean tries to be understanding and supportive but sometimes loses his patience with his overwhelmed, anti-social, paranoid little brother, because he just can't really get it. Prompt is here. Claimed by justmmy.

153- Summarized because the prompt is really freaking long: Soulless!Sam gets one of his eyes removed by demons in some sort of bid to communicate with Lucifer. IDEK, okay? It's rainylemons. Go read the prompt here. Claimed by emmram.

154- Preferably from an outside POV. The Winchester brothers are legends. Whether cast by the storyteller as the villians who released the Devil or the heroes that saved the world, they are feared by any angel, demon, or hunter with half a brain. The boys who defied god and the devil, the only two humans to walk out of hell human and whole...mostly.

The psychic, unstable, former host of Lucifer who spent centuries in the Cage and the protective, prophesied vessel of Michael who had his very own rack in the pit. The bond between them saved the world, but they'd watch it burn to save each other.

"They're dangerous alone. They're lethal together."
"The surest way to die is to go after one, then the other will kill you." Prompt is here. Claimed by primrose1.

155- Sam/Lucifer or Sam & Lucifer or Sam, Lucifer and Michael. Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. Prompt is here.

156- Sam/Lucfier or Sam & Lucifer. Hell, any pairing or gen. Torture, gore, horror. Full prompt (it's a poem) is here.

157- Any pairing or gen. And you bury me in the ocean floor beneath you, where they'll never hear us scream. Prompt is here. Claimed by geckoholic.

158- Wee!chesters. Sam & Dean adopt a dog lingering outside their latest home while John is away on a hunt. Even though they both know it's a bad idea, they name it & start getting attached. John even becomes fond of it, but knows it can't stay. Prompt is here.

159- Pre-series, gen or Sam/Dean. Based on Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market. Two possible scenarios:

→ Sam as Laura, emphasis on his physical and emotional deterioration.
→ Sam as Lizzie. A young Sam who does what needs to be done to save Dean. Emphasis on the sacrifice he makes to help Dean.
Prompt is here. Claimed by cordelia_gray.

160- Gen or Sam/Dean. 6.04 spoiler: The teeny tiny European car causes Sam to injures himself somehow because he is a giant. Prompt is here.

161- Wee!chesters, Gen:
(Also a little off cannon but hey it's fanfiction) Sam doesn't know about the hunting world. All he knows is his mother died on suspicious terms. One day, which happens to be the 6th anniversary of Mary's death he hears his Dad talking to a friend of his in there supposed living room.

Sammy doesn't realize his father is drunk and rambling and hears his Dad talk about him and how he wished he had Mary instead of him right now. This breaks something inside of Sammy and he inadvertently hurdles into depression. Dean knows that somethings wrong with his brother but it horrifies him when he finds out (how is up to you). Much bonus points if he confronts John about this and John agrees that Dean is right about all his accusations. Prompt is here

162- Something bad happens to Sam. Author's choice for everything. Prompt is here.

163- Gen - Post season 6. Dean wants to make amends with Lisa and Ben, but won't leave permanently injured Sam alone and, well, Lisa's not ready for Sam yet, though she probably feels a little badly for it. Point being, Sam insists he'll be fine, shoos Dean out of the door, says he'll just hang out in their motel room/rented house/Bobby's and kick back. Read. Dean's not sure Sam's fine on his own and begs Cas to watch over him. Cas does, through the cold that keeps getting worse and his aching injury.

Bonus points if there's a kitten involved. Prompt is here.

164- Gen. S1/S2. Sam gets one too many blows to the kidney from being thrown into walls or whatever and he has sudden, massive renal failure. He has to go on a kidney dialysis. Dean helps him with his treatments. The more details about Sam's pain before and during dialysis is love. Prompt is here.

165- Gen. S1-S4. Going for the painfully obvious that appears about 50 million times in each fandom: Sam gets appendicitis. Prompt is here.

Slash & Other

1- Dean/Sam. Weecest. Sick!Sam.

Sam gets chicken pox, and since it could be dangerous for John (as an adult who's never had it), it falls on Dean who's already immune to take care of his little brother.
Lots of hovering!mother-hen!Dean being all protective and pretends-to-be-annoyed-by-it!Sam. And cuddling. Prompt is here.

2- I prefer Sam/Dean. I know this has been done before but I just love reading about depressed/suicidal/cutter Sam.

When Sam leaves Dean to give up hunting in Season 5 the guilt he feels after letting Lucifer loose is building and getting heavier each day. Not to mention feeling like a fool for trusting Ruby he tries to hang on by cutting himself when the guilt becomes too overwhelming finding that punishing himself by cutting is the the least he deserves. Eventually it gets to be too much and Sam decides to kill himself. How Dean finds out what Sam is doing/going to do is up to the writer but Sam must not die, or if does die he can't stay dead. Prompt is here. Claimed by cherry916.

3- Warning for mpgreg/non-con/dark themes in prompt: Sam has been made pregnant by some nasty supernatural mechanism (bonus points if Dean is somehow the father), but is incredibly traumatized and in complete denial of the pregnancy. The unnatural condition really takes a toll on Sam's body, but he refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong and freaks out when Dean tries to talk about it. All Dean can do is watch his brother grow bigger and heavier every day, and try to take care of him as subtly as possible.

Finally, Dean realizes that Sam's been having intermittent contractions for days, and the birth is imminent. Sam is in agony but still trying to pretend he just needs a rest. Dean has to talk him through the whole process, including convincing Sam to push when he's trying his damnedest not to.

Sam/Dean, preslash or slashy gen are all great! Prompt is here. Claimed by nwspaprtaxis.

4- Sam/Dean. It's another fairy tale hunt for the Winchesters. Sam is Sleeping Beauty. Dean is not amused. Prompt is here. Claimed by vail_kagami.

5- Sam/Dean. Sub BottomSam. Dom ToppyPossessiveDean. They have a safe word that Sam has never had to use. But one night Sam uses it after a drunkDean takes things over the edge and really hurts Sam. Hearing the word instantly sobers Dean and he looks down to see what he has done. He feels guilty and soothes an upset and hurting Sammy :) Prompt is here.

6- Sam/Dean Teenchester M-preg

When Sam is seventeen Dean gets hit by a fertility spell. John leaves both boys with strict orders for Sam to watch his brother to make sure he doesn't go off and get a girl from the town pregnant. But since they are already in a relationship they both think its alright to spend the night together. Unfortunately for Sam, the fertility spell works just as it was supposed to and Sam becomes pregnant. At first nobody notices, but then as symptoms start showing up Sam becomes suspicious and tests himself. (If Dean could poke fun and Sam getting chubby here it would be great). When he finds out that he is pregnant he decides not to tell John and Dean for fear they they will force him to get rid of the baby and/or reveal Sam and Dean's relationship.

Sam decides that he will run away and hide the baby from his family, and his letter of acceptance comes from Stanford just in time for it to be an excuse for him to leave. By the time John and Dean realize that Sam didn't go to Stanford after all there is no sign of Sam, and he is left alone to deal with having a baby. Prompt is here. Claim has been abandoned.

7- Slash. Because John feels a hunt may be too intense/dangerous, a slightly-underaged (16/17) Sam is left in the care of someone like Pastor Jim, Caleb or Bobby. He is less than happy about it.

While there, he discovers his "babysitter" is actually a Shapeshifter. The author can go as far as they like with what the Shifter decides to do with Sam while under his care. Prompt is here. Claim has been abandoned.

8- Kink!ness. Wincest and/or Team Free Will (Castiel/Sam/Dean). Basically, Sam just completely fucked out and loved by Dean (or Dean and Cas). Would especially love it if the boys particularly liked to come in Sam and enjoyed playing with his fucked-out hole. And Sam just wants them to love him and is desperate for them. Prompt is here

9- Cas, Dean, and Sam together. An insecure Sam needs to be shown he's necessary and so his lovers use him and hurt him the way he needs them do. Particularly interested in throat-fucking Sam, and maybe some DP. Also, dirty talk is a huge turn on. But after all's said and done, Dean and Castiel truly do love Sam and want to take care of him. Prompt is here.

10- Slash. Sam can't feel anything, but he'll still do anything for his brother. And all Dean wants is to make Sam feel, even if it's pain. Messed-upedness. Rough sex and Dean-hurting-Samness. A scene with an emotional (crying?) Dean running his hands through an exhausted, fucked-out Sam's hair while he's on top of him and screaming at Sam to feel something would be great. Sam loves his brother and wants to feel something and make Dean feel better, but he just can't. Prompt is here. Claimed by kassidy62.

11- Sam/Madison - spoilers for 6x07 Purgatory is where the soul of all the monsters go, so Madison's soul is there with all the others. They find her, and they need her help with something - they need a guide through Purgatory, or they need a soul on the inside to let them in, or whatever. Sam has to go to the woman he killed, and who he might have loved, and ask for her help. Preferably after he gets his soul back, for maximum angst. Prompt is here.

12- Another 6.07 inspired prompt. Ruby/Sam.

After being pulled out of the cage, Sam's soul somehow ends up in purgatory. And purgatory might be like hell-light, but this is where the dead monsters go - many of which Sam has put down himself. This is where the demons go when they die - demons like Alastair, or Lilith. Purgatory is full of things that are very happy to see Sam again. It might not be like hell, but with so many evil things lining up to take their turn with him, for Sam it's not much better than the cage.
So he's pretty damn broken when finally Ruby shows up, and she might not be sorry for what she's done, and she might be pissed that he let Dean kill her, but damned if she's going to watch those stinking cockroaches torture her favourite damsel in distress any longer.

Sam doesn't trust and hasn't forgiven her, but he's so weak that he completely depends on her for the moment. Some snark and unresolved issues between them would be awesome, but through it all Ruby is totally protective of Sam while still being, well, Ruby.

Bonus if together they fight their way out of purgatory. Prompt is here. Claimed by emmram.

&fic challenge

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