Naughty Baking

Jun 29, 2009 15:55

been busy with this and that and mostly work.

a few weeks back a friend of a friend asked for my contact details because she wanted to order a cake for her friends hens night. you can imagine what this innocent cake mix was going to morph into...

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Comments 4

i_heart_f0od June 29 2009, 17:59:38 UTC
I take my hat off to you mate.


ohsams July 2 2009, 09:06:09 UTC
thank you. how about one for you? complete with you suggestion of pubes ha


desireless June 29 2009, 23:10:48 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAH! OH MY GOD! I love it! I want one and I'm not even getting married. You are a genius!


ohsams July 2 2009, 09:06:35 UTC
thanks! well you know, every girls needs a willy... cake


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