Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 3^3=27 (or less) people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you
1. I have somehow cured my addictions. Well, since Sunday :| HAHA
2. I haven't immersed myself in a good book in the longest time. Sad :(
3. I have a love/hate relationship with okra.
4. I'd pick ice cream over chocolate or cake anytime :D:D
5. I ALWAYS puke when I get drunk. No fail.
6. I have a thing for punk music. Yes, even the whiney kind :|
7. I want to be a journalist someday. And I wanna get rich while doing it. HAHAHHAA ASA:|
8. Coffee makes me jittery. The smallest dose, I swear. Even the 3-in-1 kinds give me a kick. HAHA. Expresso would probably kill me.
9. Bedtime for me is usually 2-4am but recently I sleep before midnight WOOHOO \:D/ Wala kasing internet sa dorm boohoo:|
10. I don't know why I always manage to run out of money :|:(
11. I'm very obsessive when it comes to my nails. As in seriously.
12. I feel more energized when I have four hours or less of sleep than when I get 9 hours of it.
13. My laptop is "named" laffy taffy. WEH. But it's true :|
14. In high school, most of my close friends were guys... and they still are :D:D
15. I am afraid of crossing bodies of water. But I'm fine with riding those huge boats. Banka=death
16. Internet time= 80% useless surfing and 20% .
And I tag: Krisha, Pauline, Danica Felix (if you see this :D:D),
anguishedstar ,
annabbee ,
bklm31 ,
cloudswell ,
fsqp13 ,
historyador ,
jemandchemistry ,
mondang ,
not_so_artsy ,
selluloid and