[verse] canon: Duh.
[verse] open: Again with the duh. Fit for any verse.
[verse] none: If used it will be for something that is being tested out that has not become an established verse, but there's no saying it will be.
[verse] light up the shadows: At
lightup_shadows. Follows canon, but in it Parker and the crew meet Bela Talbot (
enjoythe_ride), who is also a thief. Parker doesn't realize herself growing more and more curious of Bela, and things develop between them. There's something about the way Bela treats Parker that actually lets Parker get close to her.
[verse] your superman tonight: at
supermantonight. Parker and the gang are on the side of things. She's here for the zombies. And Eliot (
[verse] island of hope: at
island_ofhope. Private pan-fandom game. Parker lives on an island, and Sophie (
wereall_addicts) takes care of her in every way possible.
[verse] beyond the rift: at
beyondtherift. Parker falls through a Rift and lands in Boston where she's also gained the power of invisibility. She isn't really sure what to make of it yet.
[verse] parker the vampire slayer: at
parkertheslayer. Parker is a Slayer. There are a lot of other people. Including Dean Winchester (
hasperkynipples), who definitely doesn't wear the pants.
[verse] for you only: at
reaching_foryou. Follows canon, only somewhere along the way the stupid boys get forgotten about and Parker and Sophie (
wereall_addicts) realize they can take care of each other much better than the stupid boys can.