The Farraday Legacy: Downloads

Jun 20, 2012 19:47

So you want some Farraday in your game, yeah? Well you have come to the right place! Here is the master download post for the family.

Terms of Use:
1. Please do not upload to anywhere, this includes the exchange.
2. Please do not edit their facial structure. Hair, clothes, etc and so forth are fine.
3. Please credit if you use them in your story and let me know so I can see them in your story!

Skin 6.5 by Praline Sims
Blameless Eyes by shadowwolf5889

I almost exclusively get my hairs from Anubis and Lotus. They both do fabulous retextures so I strongly suggest them both. I use the EA Highlights version. Any other hairs can be found by going back through the entire hair section of this blog.

Here is a screencap of all the sliders I currently have installed at this very moment. I have no idea where I got them from because I didn't pay attention, your google is as good as mine so just google them if you want them. :D

Other CC:
Any new CC that I have added since the creation of the Farraday Legacy can be found over here organized with typically accurate pictures and typically accurate categories. Any CC that was a remainder from the Parvenu Legacy can likely be found again at this this blog.

Sadie's Hair

Click on the picture to download. Both .sims3pack and .package are included. Please pick only one.

SABINE | Founder
PERCY | Spouse

ORSON | Spare
SADIE | Heir

!download a sim, !farraday

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