I don't know what I'm gonna do today. I know I'm gonna walk the dogs and take a run atleast, and maybe clean or do some laundry. And try to get homework done. But I'd like to have atleast one thing a little more interesting, youknow?
FBI names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs and “Anarchists” to Domestic Terrorist Watch List
by Liz - 11 Mar 2006
Email: elizabethwagoner (nospam) gmail.com
War at Home
In a guest lecture at the University of Texas School of Law on Wednesday, FBI Supervisory Senior Resident Agent G. Charles Rasner listed Indymedia, Food Not Bombs, and the Communist Party of Texas as “Terrorist Watch” cause groups in Austin.
Rasner gave a presentation entitled “Counter-Terrorism Efforts in Texas” to a U.S. Law and National Security class at the Law School. He used PowerPoint slides to illustrate the nature of the terrorist threat in Central Texas. The word “Unclassified” appeared prominently in bold red letters on the opening PowerPoint slide.
Listing three categories of cause groups potentially linked to terrorist activity, Rasner named white supremacist groups, Islamic terrorist groups, and Anarchists. When asked what anarchist activity in Austin the FBI was investigating, Rasner referred the questioner to the Ted Kaczynski Unabomber case, claiming that Kaczynski “was an anarchist.” He did not discuss Austin-specific anarchist activity when pressed.
Rasner used a map of Texas to illustrate the existence of the three kinds of terrorist groups in the state. Austin was listed as a site of all three kinds of terrorist activity.
Rasner then placed the FBI’s Central Texas “Terrorist Watch List” on the screen. On a list of approximately ten groups, Food Not Bombs was listed seventh. Indymedia was listed tenth, with a reference specifically to IndyConference 2005. The Communist Party of Texas also made the list. Rasner explained that these groups could have links to terrorist activity. He noted that peaceful-sounding group names could cover more violent extremist tactics.
Food Not Bombs is an all-volunteer organization that recovers food that would otherwise be thrown out and serves vegetarian meals to the public at no cost. Austin Indymedia is an open newswire in which readers may publish news, events, and commentary.
In response to a questioner, Rasner stated that the FBI will attend activist group meetings whenever it suspects that the group might engage in illegal activity. He said that he saw no problem with an agent failing to represent himself as a representative of the FBI and implied that the practice was common.
Student Elizabeth Wagoner requested a copy of the PowerPoint presentation at the end of the class. Rasner refused, claiming the presentation was private government property. He then refused a request for the contact information of the FOIA officer in his bureau, saying it “was not worth [his] time”.
A copy of the PowerPoint presentation has been requested via the Freedom of Information Act. We will publish the presentation on Indymedia as soon as it becomes available.
Editor’s Note: The Austin Indymedia Collective would like to assure our readers that while we do provide resources for people to become the media, and thereby greatly challenge the information produced both by governments and corporate media, we do not hate “freedom” as the FBI is now essentially claiming. We feel that by providing resources for people to participate in the creation and sharing of information, and at the same time providing a forum for deliberation on the information presented, we are fostering behavior necessary for a functional democracy. In fact, we view the popular production of information as a basic tenant of a truly democratic society. We deeply regret that the FBI publicly makes such outragious claims, and would like to point the reader to the FBI’s own well-documented support and perpetration of domestic terrorism.
http://austin.indymedia.org/feature/display/26838/index.php (1) What’s your most favorite method of communication to be spied on by your government?
through ze phones!
(2) We will be at war with Iran: B
a) Next month
b) By the end of this month
c) By the end of next week
d) Tomorrow
3) When the government comes around to “talk” to you, which of your myspace friends will you turn on first?
drew. haha
4) Which one will you turn on last?
5) I hope they categorize me as: b. I'm already a. haha
a) A terrorist
b) An illegal alien
c) A dissident
d) A Fifth Columnist
6) Which American Internment camp do you MOST hope they’ll send you to?
I don't know of any.
7) After they declare Martial Law, what’s the one thing you’ll miss most?
8) Which method of interrogation do you MOST hope they’ll use on you?
poking with a stick
9) Who is your favorite dead journalist?
i don't have one.
10) After they declare a National Emergency, what’s the one thing you’ll wish you hadn’t kept in your safe-deposit box?
i don't have one!
11) What’s the one thing you’ll wish you had done before they locked you up?
moved to Germany
12) If they send you to one internment camp, and your significant other to a different internment camp, how long before you date someone new? Be honest.
until I find someone.
13) Do you hope they have showers where they send you?
14) Really?
15) If they let you take only one thing, will it be: B. B. B!
a) Your lipstick
b) Your Ipod
c) Your clothes
16) Which celebrity do you MOST hope will be interned with you? Jake Gyllenhaal. :)
17) Which celebrity do you LEAST hope will be interned with you? Kevin Federline
18) What’s your favorite song to sing out loud while you’re being transported in a cattle-car? somethin' Johnny Cash
19) What’s your favorite color for an internment uniform? brown
20) If they send you to be interned in a “friendly” nation, can I have your stuff? yeah
21) Can you hold your breath for a really long time? no
22) What sort of tattoo do you hope they give you? the american flag. haha
23) Do you think your health insurance will still be in effect if they release you? no.
24) Do you hope they have cable or satellite at your internment camp? not really. just internet
25) What’s your favorite excuse for not doing anything? i'm 15.
I'm already a terrorist because I support peta. My mom used to tell all my aunts/uncles HANNAH IS PART OF A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!
and she believes it, too.
X Hannah