[Player name] Emerald
[Age] OLD
[Personal Journal] N/A
[Other characters currently played]
Sephiroth / Final Fantasy VII /
furorimperatorDante / Devil May Cry /
_devil_inside [Character name] Twilight Sparkle
[Age] Not given canonically, but older than a filly, younger than a full-grown mare. Probably early twenties, in human years
[Canon] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
[Point in time taken from canon] End of Season Two: Episode Two
I can't even believe there's a MLP: FIM wiki... [Personality] Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn, one of the residents of Canterlot in the kingdom of Equestria. Logical, very smart and usually having her nose buried in a book somewhere, she can be considered the most practical of all the ponies living in Ponyville, often employing a realistic approach to solving problems and dealing with the different adventures that crop up from time to time.
Always straightforward, she tends to usually speak what's on her mind and is also a very honest pony, but can also be a bit cynical and sarcastic when other ponies are being difficult, dense or otherwise silly. She loves being organized, detailed and more often than not draws up lists to ensure everything is taken care of just so. Living in Ponyville's library gives her ample excuse to exercise her organization skills; she also helps out the village when they need a bit of "attention to detail".
Although she has very powerful unicorn magic and has lived in Canterlot and is Princess Celestia's personal protege, Twilight doesn't take airs or stand on her own arrogance. She's very humble, even preferring to stay in the background even against her friends' wishes to see her shine in the spotlight a bit. She's often times shy around strangers, lacking social confidence except when in serious situations and always takes the modest route.
When she arrived in Ponyville, she was at first against the concept of the Princess' directive to make friends, but it was her friendships with the other ponies that enabled them to defeat Nightmare Moon, and Twilight learned that true magic lies within the ties of friendship. She declined to return to Canterlot with the Princess, opting to instead stay in Ponyville and learn more about being a good friend and having good friends. She now treasures her friends more than anything and always does everything she's able to be a good friend in return.
[Abilities] As a unicorn, Twilight is very skilled in magic. She is also the Element of Magic in the Elements of Harmony set. She studies all the time and is the personal protege of Princess Celestia. The Princess has remarked that Twilight is the first unicorn she's ever encountered to express such a level of raw potential.
Although she is indeed a very powerful magician, Twilight studies very hard to improve her skills. So far, she's demonstrated a powerful talent for telekinesis, able to move very large objects while keeping others suspended in the air, as well as books and other objects such as quill pens, paper, saddlepacks, ect.; translocation or "winking out", disappearing from one place to reappear in another; transmutation or turning objects into other objects as long as she holds her concentration. The latter seems to take more focus and she can only keep it going for a short period of time.
[Other important stuff] Ponies in Twlight's universe can talk, open doors, wear clothes and jewelry, take showers and baths, and basically do all the things humans can do. They are very animate, use their hooves for all sorts of things, magic for others. There are other animals in Equestria, but so far, only ponies and dragons have shown the ability to speak. There are no humans as such, although there have been references to "earth ponies", although whether or not these ponies actually came from "Earth" as humans might know it is unknown.
[Sample post]
[First Person]
[Crackle, crackle, snap, POP!]
Oh! Okay, I guess it's on, then. Hm. Weird. Ahem. Hello? Guys, can you hear me? This is Twlight Sparkle, from Ponyville in the land of Equestria and I happen to be looking for my friends. If anypony has seen Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash...would you please let me know?
Spike? If you're out there, I hope you hear this. I'm...heheh...a little nervous, actually. This place is very different from Ponyville...or even Canterlot. It doesn't look like Appaloosa, either...
Heloooo? Does anypony hear me? Again, I'm Twilight Sparkle and I hope somepony's getting this message. And...well, I'll be here...if anyone answers.
[Third Person]
Ponyville's library was nice and quiet that afternoon; the current resident deep in her studies, enjoying the chance to take a break from other activities and catch up on her reading. Twilight was comfortably ensconced on a small pony-couch in the corner, an open book propped on a small holder as she read. Utilizing unicorn magic to turn each page, she even hummed a bit as she perused the volume.
Then a tumbling crash interrupted her concentration and the book abruptly snapped shut as she frowned, small lines appearing between her eyes. "Spike!" she yelled up the stairs, hearing his sheepish reply of, "Sorry, Twlight!" floating back. Twilight snorted softly, waited a moment, then as quiet resumed went back to her reading.
A knocking on the library's door had her frowning even harder about five minutes later. After helping the mayor with her record keeping, Twilight thankfully returned to her divan and curled up with her book, only to screech in frustration as all of her friends suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere: Pinkie Pie was chattering about a party that afternoon, Rarity asking if Spike might accompany her on a gem-hunt that afternoon, Fluttershy wanting to know if there was a cookbook for bunny salads, Applejack bringing a backpack full of leaves Twilight had asked for a week ago in order to study the different types of apple trees in the village, and Rainbow Dash tumbled in the window due to a trick not calculated quite right.
Twilight Sparkle was about to explode.
"ENOUGH!" she suddenly shouted, jumping up to all four hooves atop the couch. Looking at each pony in turn, she inhaled a deep breath and said: "Pinkie, the party's a great idea, why don't you invite every pony in town; Rarity, Spike is more than happy to go with you as long as he gets his chores done this afternoon and Fluttershy, please look under "S" for "salad", I'm sure there's something; Applejack, thank you for bringing those leaves, but next time I'd appreciate them a bit earlier and Rainbow Dash will you watch where you're going??"
Inhaling another deep breath, she stared at her friends, who were staring back at her, wide-eyed. Taking a final breath for calm, the amethyst unicorn regained her composure and smiled sweetly at her dear friends. "But thank you, everypony, for visiting me. I'm so glad to have you for my friends."
Nevertheless, it was with a huge sigh of relief that Twilight closed the door on all of them, Spike included, already smitten with the lovely Rarity, and returned to her comfy couch, full intent on finishing her book before bedtime.
[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Because I miss her. /sob
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] Pets are allowed and canon pets can be brought. That owns, man.
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] I'm already here! ♥
[Any questions?] If accepted, Twilight will be coming back with all her previous memories and the like, and fully expecting to take up residence once more in the Library.