it SUCKS!!! especially when you are on awesome terms wtih your man. why the hell do things like this have to happen?!?!? what the hell is wrong with this silly little world? people get along amazingly and then they break up? shit
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i don't hvae internet yet...but i'm at school. i made it and everything is falling into place quite nicely. i love it here...the weather is fantastic..the people are so nice. it's awesome to breathe fresh air. i miss NYC, but SD is quite a good break from it all. hope all is well with everyone....gots to get going....
I'm off to california today.... i will be MIA for a bit more.... will write more when i'm settled. hope everyone had a great and fantastic new year's!!!
i'm overwhelmed. i have plans everyday til i leave and i haven't even finished packing yet. omgoodness i'm going to freak out. i hoppe everything goes smooove.... oy.