Name// Elfie
Age// 14
Location// D.C.
Boyfriend/girlfriend?// No
10 favorite bands// I <3 The
Cure, The Killers, Fall Out Boy, Death Cab for Cutie, Five Iron Frenzy,
Sublime, Hellogoodbye, Hot Hot Heat, The Hippos, The Used... and loads
5 least favorite bands// Jesse McCartney, Maroon 5, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Ashlee Simpson.
5 favorite movies// Garden State, Amelie, Love Actually, Le battement d'ailes du Papillion, Goodbye Lenin
5 favorite books// The Hunger
Artist by Franz Kafka, Anthem by Ayn Rand, Naked Without a Hat by
Jeanne Willis, The Joke by Anton Chekov, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
Tell us something interesting// There are more plastic flamingos in the United States than real flamingos... interesting enough?
Confess a secret// I think eyepatches are sexy. Not much of a secret, but hey, Idon't tell many people know about my love for eyepatches.
Weapon of choice, and how do you use it?// Words
and sarcasm. As Ghandi says, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world
blind." I don't like violence, so I'd rather shoot a witty comment at
someone, than shoot a bullet. Words are more powerful than people think.
What does emo mean to you?// Emo, to me, means, well, emotional. A way of life in which individuals can express their emotions through any outlet...
Favorite song lyric// "You see flowers in these weeds..." - Five Iron Frenzy, Dandelions. Describes me... a lot...
Do you play any musical instruments?// Used to play piano... don't anymore
If so, are you in a band?// No :-(
Where did you find us?// I searched "stencils"
Promote us to 2 other communities and give us the links//
random_things What is your opinion on the following?//
Emo: Great music, I can actually relate the lyrics to my life... and also, emo boys, need I say more? <3
Abortion: I don't agree with it, except for extreme circumstances, such as rape.
Straightedge: It's the way I
live my life, and in todays world, it takes a lot to stand up against
temptations set on by the media and from peers.
War: I don't like war on any
circumstances. I think it's an awful way to "resolve" a situation, and
only results in more tension, and the murder of innocents.
Drugs: I would never do drugs, nor do I support anyone who does. I think that its are a personal
decision, and anyone who chooses so should be aware of the consequences.
I am so emo that ______//
Rawr. I honestly don't know, so I'm so emo that I want to be a dinosaur
when I grow up. Or wait, I'm so emo that I wear little kids barretes in
my hair. I suck at this, don't I?
Post 2 pictures of yourself.
... don't mind the crappy hair and the weird expression. I stayed home sick from school today, so I look like crap.