Title: Just One Heart
mistakenelegantCharacters/Pairing: Human!Doctor (John Noble); mentions of Ten, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, & Martha Jones.
Rating: G
Word Count: 221
Summary: He couldn’t just be called the Doctor anymore, could he?
Disclaimer: BBC owns the characters and stuff. I’m just a lonely fangirl who likes them.
Author's Notes: In my mind, Human!Doctor was never called 'Doctor', but John Noble.
One week went by in the alternate dimension since the TARDIS left Bad Wolf Bay, and still, he didn't have a proper name; one that he could go by instead of 'Doctor'. That was his brother - or was it his father? After all, he was born out of the true and proper Doctor's hand.
The Human Doctor sat, staring into his cup of tea, trying to come up with a name for him; one that Rose could call him by instead of Doctor all the time. He searched in his Time Lord memories for something that could clue him in on a name. Still the improper Doctor sat, without a name other than 'Doctor'.
Then it came to him. The Doctor had gone to 1913 with a girl - Martha Jones - and went by the name John Smith when he became human. But there must have been hundreds, if not thousands of John Smiths in this universe. He nodded, keeping that first name in mind, and continued on a search for his soon-to-be last name, which also came to him rather quickly.
Noble. He'd take Donna's last name, because she was his 'sister' so to speak - or was she his mother? Either way, it was only proper that he'd take her last name. John Noble. He couldn't wait to tell Rose.