Title: They Were Addicted
mistakenelegantRating: G
Characters/Pairing: Fred & George Weasley; mentions of Harry Potter & Voldemort
Summary: Fred & George's addiction to magic.
Word Count: 99
Disclaimer: Don't own HP. And stuff. Written for
hh_writersblock challenge #43 "Addiction". Prompt #096: Writer's Choice (Addiction).
They were addicted.
Fred and George were addicted to magic. It wasn’t just a thing that happened to be in their lives, it was a way of being. From the time they first set foot in Hogwarts, the ginger haired twin boys couldn’t wait to use the gift that was bestowed to both of them.
And they were addicted.
They knew that magic could be both good and evil, like everything in the world. There were no shades of grey here. They knew about Voldemort and how he tried to kill Harry.
But they didn’t care.
They were addicted.