[Transformers Fic] Role Reversal

Nov 23, 2010 11:13

Title Role Reversal
Pairing Prowl/Sideswipe (be surprised, I dare you! XD)
Summary Prowl came online in an unusual position.
Author’s Note I’ve been sitting on this for a while now, hoping to expand on it. But I just can’t find the time, much less the energy to work on it when I have so many more uncompleted projects. Of note this does not take place in any of my other verses. Random piece is random

Prowl came online in an unusual position. His hands were tied above his head and he couldn't access his comm. unit.

Hands touched his bumper, stroking and petting, and reaching just underneath the seam where his engine was housed.

Lips brushed his face, his cheek, his chevron, his lips. Why the slag in that order? It made no logical sense!

Prowl activated his optics and glared at Sideswipe. "Would you care to explain why my hands are tied?"

Sideswipe pressed closer to Prowl and nuzzled his cheekguard. "Mmm, not really sparkles. Just seemed like a good idea, and you had those cuffs handy."

Power surged through his optics and he lifted his doorwings as much as he was able to.  "Sideswipe I promise that as soon as I am out of these..."

"Shhhhhh," Sideswipe said with a finger to Prowl's vocalizer, going so far as pinching a wire and garbling the officer's voice. "Don't make a promise you won't be able to keep. I know how you hate to lie."

Dental plates scraped up Prowl's nasal ridge, and a hand stroked his hood. "Because, you aren't even going to know your own name by the time I'm done with you."

Prowl shifted, trying to turn his head away from the attention. "Maybe *you* shouldn't make promises you can't keep."

Sideswipe grinned. "Well, let me put it this way...

"You are off for the entire day.

"And I know that you don't have any plans.

"Matter of fact you had put a 'do not disturb' sign on your transponder signal, so...

"Everyone knows you don't want to be disturbed.


"No one's going to come looking for you the entire day.


Prowl fumed, especially at that last little blip of punctuation transmitted over their private frequency. The senseless picture face that had become so prevalent among the Autobots since they’d come to Earth. "Primus, Sideswipe, you're right. I am going to kill you when I get out of here." His engine revved up from soft purr to raging growl. "I have things that I need to attend to. Reports I had planned on reading and writing. I was planning on indulging in a game of Solitary Standing."

Sideswipe still wore his damned grin. "Well, there's not much I can do about your game, but! I have managed to set you up with this sweet little deal here." Sideswipe pulled out a datapad, handling it like he was a sales mech. Considering his diverse history, it was very likely to have been true. He swept his finger over the top of the datapad, showcasing the wire that (once Prowl traced it back) attached to his console. "As you can see, this goes back to your computer, and once I attach it to your dataport, you will be able to access everything that you saved to your personal archives. I do hope that includes those files you wanted to read. You will find that you are unable to access any outside comm. units, except for Ratchet and Red Alert. Just in case something untoward happens to you."

Prowl lifted a brow ridge. "And what's to stop me from contacting them to release me."

Sideswipe tilted his head as though he had to think that over. "Well, do you really, really want either of them to find out about this? I know you wouldn't care if you could reach Jazz, which is why I have blocked you from contacting him."

Prowl growled. He didn't have to ask what Sideswipe planned on doing.  He knew the mech had to report to duty in the next two breem. Leaving Prowl tied up for the entirety of his shift. "Sideswipe..."

Sideswipe's Primus-be-damned grin just wouldn't fade. "Oh, don't worry Prowl. You can comm. me, but only in text and I'm only going to pay attention to one word. 'Energon.' Understand?"

Prowl glared, but nodded. He understood perfectly. And honestly, considering how often he had done this to Sideswipe, how could he object to indulging him at least once.

Just this once.

Besides, Sideswipe was right in that all the files he wanted were on his computer. And the mech had damned well better be glad for that.

Sideswipe grinned at Prowl's continued silence and knowing hands traced along his torso until they found his dataport. Sure fingers stroked the panel open and inserted the plug.

Prowl hissed, unexpectedly sensitive to the sensation of linking up with the 'pad. He calculated an 89 percent probability that this was due to the fact that he was tied up like Starscream to Megatron's command chair.

Sideswipe laid a last tender kiss on Prowl's lips. "See you after shift change, sparkles."

Prowl grumbled a farewell and delved into the computer databanks, eager to take his mind off his humiliating position.

And then, he encountered the true purpose of the datapad.

An innocuous little program that activated as soon as he began transferring data through it.

Prowl strangled a cry as the program dug into his sensors, activating them so that every smallest stirring of the air stimulated them. Even the vibrations of cries worked their way through his frame.



Sideswipe had installed a stimstick protocol onto the datapad.


transformers, prowl/sideswipe, fanfiction

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