Depart&&&&&&f Information
Western North American Subdivision
Monday May 18!h, 2224
From: €rica SUsan Green
To: Aiden R. M&&&&&&wski
Mr. Moliñowski,
My local consol
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[e has süffered a security breach. A trace on the transmission places the sOURce in Area 52 (the l"ocation that the bodies appeared last moñth). The console has be
\en locked down and will be made available to you immediately. I will be adjUU
sting all office t®ansmission protocols to System 7. This will increase the amount of time that it takes for transmissions to be made, but I believe it is ñecessary for security.
Your security çlearance has been upgraded to include the operation at Area 52, in the case that someone there is involved in this.
Good luck with your continuèd inves&&&
Erica Süsan Green
Department of Information DIIIrector for Western North America__________________________________________________________________