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Comments 16

unscrambled June 13 2007, 20:33:33 UTC
Is that the same CDC that adjusted its obesity related deaths significantly downwards a few years ago(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/04/20/MNG24CBSJD1.DTL) ?

I'm not saying that kids (poor kids, especially) don't urgently need access to healthy foods, I'm just saying that the more I read about fat and its effects, the more I don't believe the hype.


olamina June 13 2007, 20:36:31 UTC
I'm not holding the CDC up as the most reliable body in all the land but I see the effects of the obesity problem walking around me every day. It's not all hype.


unscrambled June 13 2007, 20:45:04 UTC
As a fat kid who exercises, is healthy and active, and has no cholestrol or blood pressure problems, I'm inclined to disagree. I think the problem is less to do with fatness and more to do with the crap diets that most people eat, either by choice or by access. I'd imagine you'd see more of the effects of the cigarettes/vodka (meth.coke.dope.pills)/slice problem, or at least I did when I lived in nyc. Maybe you notice the fat people more because everything in this culture encourages us to disapprove of fat people who are minding their own business.


olamina June 13 2007, 20:55:55 UTC
I agree. My problem isn't really the fat it is the unhealthy. Trust me, I look sideways at unhealthy skinny people too and I want EVERYONE (young, old, skinny, fat) to lift weights.


danschank June 13 2007, 21:36:24 UTC
that time magazine thing is totally fascinating.

also, i remember bill maher saying (on his show) that part of the reason diabetes is rising so steadily in the states is because traditional cane sugar is being rapidly replaced with that high fructose corn syrup stuff (which apparently makes a certain kind of sense to our economy, but none whatsoever to our overall health)... you probably know a lot more about this than i do (as someone who never lifts weights, haha). just seemed glum to me to find that some of the changes aren't as simple as "eat less sugary foods"-- which is obvs. still a good idea-- but that the type of sugar got worse and people aren't even aware of it, for the most part...

i'm totally forwarding this link to like a dozen people right now!


olamina June 13 2007, 21:48:29 UTC
yeah, uberdionysus posted about this in his comic review of michael pollan's ominvore's dilemma and of course there is that very concise pollan article from times magazine which I wrote about here.

Yes, yes, forward that link!


i totally missed that post danschank June 13 2007, 22:02:16 UTC
weird. i think we were lj friends then too. don't get the impression i scroll past your entries though-- that one must have just slipped by.

Medicine is learning how to keep alive the people whom the Western diet is making sick.

i always think of this kind of idea as being parallel to the way i think about psychological medication, etc. like, maybe ADD might have something do do with the hours and hours of TV people watch everyday, etc. i tend to gravitate to things that shift focus from diagnosing individuals in favor of diagnosing institutions (or culture itself)...


Re: i totally missed that post olamina June 13 2007, 22:06:16 UTC
i tend to gravitate to things that shift focus from diagnosing individuals in favor of diagnosing institutions (or culture itself)...

me too!


and don't worry i don't feel neglected. :)


seriesfinale June 13 2007, 22:48:02 UTC
One really remarkable thing about those books is how invasive Pepsico and Coca-Cola are...I think Breidjing Camp is the only international market they haven't entered.

I also like how in quite a few of them you look in one of the corners and lo and behold, there's Dad's weekly case of beer. Holy shit!


olamina June 13 2007, 22:51:27 UTC
Ha ha! I hadn't studied them so well. Thanks for pointing that out. Bottoms up, pop!


lame_no_antenna June 14 2007, 17:37:41 UTC
it really is a remarkable aspect of all of these photos. also the contrast between income and packaged foods. thanks for posting this~


olamina June 14 2007, 18:01:00 UTC
glad you enjoyed it!


betchka June 14 2007, 01:51:42 UTC
YES--I was just studying this. It is an all out epidemic.

Beautiful pictures--will have to check this out further.


olamina June 14 2007, 18:08:00 UTC

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